Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] earlier [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As suggested , the CD3 is a simple , almost artless player , rather heavier than it looks , but simply built , with a bent metal box fronted by a smart alloy front panel extrusion and a drawer whose rather stately progress in and out of the player was bettered by an earlier sample I examined .
2 The medieval bridge , built in 1392 and demolished c. 1856 , was a little distance south-west of the modern road bridge and is recorded as having been preceded by an earlier bridge on the same line ; it had ten waterways set between stone piers and a timber superstructure , a method of construction commonly used by Roman engineers .
3 Therefore , his main studies were amongst the great wealth of practical and devotional literature written by the earlier Puritan authors .
4 Where any one or more of the earlier operations , however , also constituted transfers of value made by the same transferor , the value transferred by the earlier operations shall be treated as reducing the value transferred by all the operations taken together , except to the extent that the transfer constituted by the earlier operations ( but not that made by all the operations taken together ) is exempt under s18 of the Act ( see IRC v Brandenburg [ 1982 ] STC 555 at p468a , Fynn v IRC ( 1957 ) 37 TC 629 and Corbett 's Executors v IRC ( 1943 ) 25 TC 305 ) .
5 That scaffolding must itself have been built by an earlier form of cumulative selection , at whose nature we can only guess .
6 The government squashed a previous recommendation to abolish the ‘ no discrimination ’ clause , made by an earlier inquiry in 1980 .
7 The ordering of the logical forms is therefore very important However , within CLE-I , later processing stages have no opportunity to reverse an ordering between readings imposed by an earlier stage .
8 Amongst the Democrats Clinton won in Georgia by a sufficiently large margin to assuage some of the widespread doubts produced by the earlier allegations of marital infidelity and draft avoidance [ see pp. 38714 ; 38756 ] .
9 The general impression conveyed by the earlier centuries is one of wisdom , harmony , humanity .
10 Er er rejective the issues requested by the earlier policy .
11 Acceptance of a proof of debt for voting purposes at the first meeting is not the same as acceptance by the trustee of a proof for dividend and the trustee is not bound by the earlier decision of the official receiver .
12 The input to Sayre 's system was provided by an earlier project ( Frishkopf and Harmon , 1961 ) .
13 In Dar es Salaam and elsewhere during 1967 and 1968 , one occasionally heard mention of Mwafrika as if it still existed , only to discover that what was being referred to was actually Uhuru , the official daily paper of TANU , This confusion was understandable : the Mwafrika of 1965 bore no relation to what people remembered of the old one , but the pattern set by the earlier Mwafrika and Zuhra seems to have been continued after independence by Uhuru and Ngurumo .
14 For example , backward inferences enable a reader to refer some new information in a sentence to something implied by an earlier sentence , and forward inferences allow the reader to embellish the representation of the currently read text , and create expectations about what is to follow [ Clark , 1975 ] .
15 The council 's curriculum working-party on lesbian and gay issues in education produced a thoughtful and well-researched document , Mirrors Round The Walls — Reflecting Diversity , which received none of the media interest experienced by the earlier misinformation .
16 His late father Gordon Wood , will be well remembered by an earlier generation .
17 In Buckinghamshire on the A four one three at Dunton turn , between Winslow and Whitchurch , the tailbacks there caused by an earlier accident involving a car on fire .
18 Mandela arrived in the United States on June 20 for a 10-day visit amid controversy engendered by an earlier news agency report on the role of the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) in his arrest in August 1962 .
19 Where any one or more of the earlier operations , however , also constituted transfers of value made by the same transferor , the value transferred by the earlier operations shall be treated as reducing the value transferred by all the operations taken together , except to the extent that the transfer constituted by the earlier operations ( but not that made by all the operations taken together ) is exempt under s18 of the Act ( see IRC v Brandenburg [ 1982 ] STC 555 at p468a , Fynn v IRC ( 1957 ) 37 TC 629 and Corbett 's Executors v IRC ( 1943 ) 25 TC 305 ) .
20 Other sectors such as construction and trading houses have had different spurs to go abroad , but they too have been influenced by the earlier investors .
21 It was subsequently agreed that the examination would address information needs by type , ie to concentrate on one or more categories where there appeared to be a problem , as indicated by the earlier interviews with staff and the issues reflected in the rich picture .
22 The main , and best , façade , the one seen from Via Torino from where the church entrance is reached , was started by an earlier architect , but in an assumed battle between the early man and Bramante the latter won the day , completing the work seen today .
23 Engaging the baitrunner I met a firm resistance which judging by the earlier fish suggested that this might be somewhat better .
24 It was already late morning , and the red glare of the sun was evaporating away the moisture left by an earlier shower so that the golden roofs of the principal buildings were wreathed with a mist which eddied and flowed under the influence of the heat which rose off the plain .
25 It should be noted , moreover , that the ability of the present Call-slip analysis exercise to determine the date of publication of a much greater proportion of items issued ( 97% as opposed to 65% on each of the two earlier occasions ) means that its results are much more accurate , and that the higher incidence of pre-1900 publications recorded by the earlier surveys probably can , therefore , be attributed , in large measure , not to any radically different pattern of reading at these times , but to the fact that the numerous undated call-slips occurring then almost certainly contained a high proportion which related to more modern publications .
26 Recent historical research has shown that the battle that would be won by the Darwinians of the 1860s and 1870s had been fought and lost by an earlier generation of reformers .
27 The 1953 Act was passed primarily to deal with the problems of preserving houses or buildings which were inhabited or ‘ capable of occupation ’ — these were not covered by the earlier legislation .
28 The pronunciation of nonwords such as " nouch " can be biased by the earlier presentation of either " touch " or " couch " ( Kay and Marcel , 1981 ) , suggesting that the analogy route can be used on occasions .
29 Stephanie had hopes that the familial Christmas dinner might in some way restore something of the frail threadwork of decency and courteous behaviour broken by the earlier violence of her father and brother .
30 From the middle of the 18th century writers and then artists had visited the ‘ Lakes ’ in a steadily increasing stream and jointly they slowly helped to transform public opinion from one of ‘ Salvatorian ’ horror , described by the earlier visitors , to a passionate romantic appreciation .
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