Example sentences of "[verb] with [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each type of interview is designed with a particular research task in mind .
2 Do not feel that you have to persist with a particular type of pressed flower work if you are not happy with it .
3 The answer always differed with the particular situation .
4 You associate that place with a particular set of activities , so that returning to that place reinforces your mental concentration and allows you to work better .
5 In conclusion , one of the English teachers contacted during research for this study spoke warmly of his own reasons for liking to work with a particular text .
6 If you have come with a particular ache or pain , do not expect it to disappear straight away .
7 Event-related potentials , as the term implies , refers to the changes brought about when a subject is presented with a particular stimulus .
8 e.g : Spider notes Yet another method of making notes involves you in a " brain storming " exercise in which you allow your memory to recall any information you can associate with a particular topic or question .
9 The article only deals in passing with the particular issue of non-standard entry students and degree performances but argues that evidence shows that these students , and mature students in general , achieve better results than traditional students in most fields of study .
10 Judging from American experience , general disclosure of APRs in line with Consumer Credit Act regulations will indeed make many more people aware of the sort of APR that they can expect with a particular type of credit .
11 It is also something you can do with the particular pupil whose book you are marking .
12 The September changes were intended to make the EMS less vulnerable to external influences , and to this end further agreement on foreign exchange intervention policies and interest rate policies was made with the particular objective of reducing incentives for short-term capital movements .
13 But when you keep the big names supplied with a particular kind of amusement you can always depend on it that the police are found to be in the wrong , or that they are framing an innocent man , or that the children in question are his nieces .
14 It is a technique much used by national and multinational companies — a shorthand which the general public quickly comes to identify with a particular organization .
15 The essence of counselling in the " Minnesota model " , used in treatment centres that follow the principles of the Anonymous Fellowships , is that each counsellor or other staff member is able to identify with a particular facet of an individual sufferer .
16 We shall certainly not oppose the order because , as the Minister rightly explained , it deals with a particular provision relating to new teachers and their contracts of employment .
17 Each unit of First Class deals with a particular topic and language area and provides a balance of language skills which reflects what the trainee will need a career in tourism .
18 Some slight insight into early local agricultural practices may be obtained from such things as Anglo-Saxon charters , details of which have been published ( from 1961 onwards ) in a series of volumes called The Early Charters of … , and commentaries on land usage such as in The Domesday Geography of … , each volume of which deals with a particular region .
19 Or you can ask them to find how many words begin with a particular group of letters : chro- ; mini ; gn- .
20 Some ranges include tile ‘ slips ’ — slim tiles 150mm ( 6in ) long and 25mm ( 1in ) wide ( although lengths and widths vary with the particular range ) , which can be used to create coloured stripes or narrow borders to tiled areas .
21 On the supply side it is proposed to analyse four major character-istics of the firm : the quality of the main types of factors of production used with a particular emphasis upon managerial staff and skilled personnel ; the costs of production of specific products and the techniques of manufacturing ; managerial strategies and functions ; and the financial strategy of the firm .
22 One day Victoria made herself a pair of earrings out of porcelain to go with a particular dress , and they turned out to be the start of a new part-time career .
23 Through a ‘ total cost approach , ’ all aspects of the appication of quality principles in the procurement process are examined with a particular bias towards the engineering environment .
24 Each of the five pretty bedrooms is individually furnished with a particular theme in mind , such as the ‘ apple room ’ , ‘ rose room ’ and ‘ almond room ’ .
25 This is called habituation : the nervous system has become familiarized with the particular set of stimuli which are the pressure of the fabric of the clothes on touch receptors in the skin , or of the glass rod on the planarian 's body ; the stimuli can thus be disregarded , no longer a factor to be taken into consideration in assessing the current state of the environment .
26 Better information on benefits and services available as well as on how to cope with the particular condition of the person cared for .
27 But even the most hardened , seasoned observers , aligned with no particular planning faction and having seen it all before as civil servants , could demonstrate sober conviction as to the power , promise and reasonableness of planning as a State activity .
28 For example , where particular clients agree that their money may be placed with a particular bank with a view to earning a higher rate of interest but correspondingly accepting a greater risk of default by the bank , those clients ' claims will form part of a separate pool consisting of the assets placed with that bank or ( in the case of a designated fund account ) with a group of such banks .
29 Another of many criteria to be identified could be the subsequent or continuing costs , economic and social , of proceeding with a particular treatment .
30 I hope I have demonstrated some of the variety of ways in which Credits can be used and as I write perhaps some genius is thinking up yet another variation to deal with a particular problem .
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