Example sentences of "[verb] for himself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , to emphasise the personal and private nature of moral or immoral conduct is to emphasise the personal and private responsibility of the individual for his own actions , and this is a responsibility which a mature agent can properly be expected to carry for himself without the threat of punishment from the law .
2 Having watched television documentaries about life in East Germany , Becker was keen to see for himself for the first time .
3 Max Gate , the house Hardy designed for himself on the edge of town , is stranded behind a new roundabout and it is difficult now to imagine him setting out from there to ride along the lanes with Kipling or H. G. Wells .
4 His prosperity is shown by the ‘ magnificent dwelling house ’ which he built for himself on the north Thames frontage immediately to the east of the Fleet canal .
5 This was because human beings worked things out in their minds in terms of concepts and moral rules , and these concepts and rules were not things the individual made for himself on the spur of the moment .
6 In his latter years he created an elaborate water garden at the cottage ornée he had built for himself on the outskirts of Plymouth , and was wont to drive round the streets of the town in a gig disguised as a Roman war chariot , looking , in Wightwick 's words ‘ ( as far as his true English face and costume allowed ) like Ictinus of the Parthenon , ‘ out for a lark ’ . ’
7 In the summer of 1939 Boulestin left as usual to spend his holidays in the house he had built for himself in the Landes .
8 In 1829–30 , like his father before him , he served as mayor of Kendal , and in addition to the house he had built for himself in the town ( c .1823 ) he had a country property in Lindale , Lancashire , which he inherited from his father , and he later built an occasional residence in nearby Grange-over-Sands .
9 Shakespeare 's technique , to let us into a secret that the hero will only discover for himself at the end , is a common one in playwriting and storytelling .
10 Their horses were saddled and waiting , their farewells to the prior and brothers already made , and Hugh just reaching for his bridle , when Nicol came trudging sturdily in at the gatehouse , soiled and bruised and hoisting himself along on a staff he had cut for himself in the forest .
11 Each young gentleman was provided with his own chamber-pot , which he was expected to empty for himself on the common midden , situated behind the houses .
12 Finally , in February 1470 , the king regranted the offices which Warwick had taken for himself in the previous August , with Gloucester again the main beneficiary .
13 Finally , in February 1470 , the king regranted the offices which Warwick had taken for himself in the previous August , with Gloucester again the main beneficiary .
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