Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] lower [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The syndrome of imperfections that make up " maternal depletion " coupled usually with lower educational level and larger family size evidently account for the lower survival chances of infants and young children whose mothers were beyond age 39 at the birth .
2 In this case , the implied forward rate ( rearranging ( 7.15 ) ) is and the implied forward premium is i.e. , sterling is expected to depreciate against the dollar by 4.5 per cent to compensate for the lower US interest rate .
3 In this context the authors note that ‘ equalizing ’ income differentials ( higher income to compensate for the lower attractiveness of some jobs ) are normally swamped by ‘ accentuating ’ differentials ( such as status and recognition following high income ) .
4 It also revealed the paltry sums thrown at such communities by BC to compensate for the lower quality of life they are forced to endure .
5 As the proposed Directive establishes essential standards only , Member States are free to provide for a lower threshold to trigger the compulsory bid ( the UK rule is 30% ) .
6 Agree either that there continue to be no lower limit for the remuneration certificate jurisdiction or that the Solicitors ' Remuneration Order 1972 be amended to provide for a lower limit of £100 profit costs .
7 For example , a worker who is unaware that exposure to high levels of benzene , as happens in some chemical plants , might cause cancer will be willing to work for a lower wage than she would if this information were widely available .
8 The PL discredited itself , however , by fielding 392 candidates , divided into different factions , with 89 separate candidate lists being presented for the lower house alone .
9 Leaving the track a pathless beeline may be made for the lower end of the trees , there ascending a short way to find Yordas Cave .
10 Small wonder that scientists are searching for every lower temperatures , nearer still to absolute zero , where even more mysterious effects may be waiting .
11 The bass clef is used for the lower parts of the compass , the tenor for the higher .
12 Stone or marble was used for the lower parts of the walls , the upper being of sun-dried brick and timber .
13 By the mid-1930s male civil servants could choose to ‘ allocate ’ part of their pensions ; that is , to opt for a lower pension on retirement , so that if they died first their wives would get a modest continuing pension ( ibid . ,
14 Mr Smyth 's comments appeared in a Belfast newspaper last week , calling for the Lower Ormeau community to accept the recent Black and Orange parades passing through the area in the same spirit as Belfast taxi driver Brian Mitchell who is regularly involved in local cross-community work .
15 Anglers and shooters may now wish for a lower profile and conflict with canoeists and ramblers respectively will bring publicity they could do without .
16 Yes , you could do that , so , so y you go for erm a very high rate of taxation or you go for a lower rate of taxation which is
17 As I 've said the Policy Committee guideline was that we should set a budget within the range seventy two million to seventy three point three million , which means at the lower level , if you go for the lower level er to which says for ninety four five about almost exactly a million pounds .
18 have gone for the lower number would n't they ?
19 The Turkish authorities estimated that their charge to Iraq would be US$264,000,000 ; the UN was arguing for a lower figure .
20 The budget allowed for a lower proportion to be spent on debt-servicing ( 97,000 million francs CFA or $292 million , as compared with 170,000 million francs CFA or $512 million in 1988-89 ) , with the Defence , Public Health and Education Ministries continuing to receive the largest share .
21 Moreover , the reduced plasminogen activator activity of malignant ascites is caused by increased concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 , which may account for the lower incidence of coagulopathy after insertion of shunts seen in this group of patients .
22 The price which has been paid for the lower rate of tax on income has been the additional National Insurance charge and also the locking up of the profits in excess of the salary of £43,500 as retained profit in the company .
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