Example sentences of "[verb] for [adj] hour [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is not uncommon to wait for 5 hours for the result to be obtained .
2 They also pointed to an incident during which a patient had to wait for four hours for an anaesthetist .
3 Essentially , they are glorified leisure centres — Butlins for the Costa Brava generation , a way of feeling like you 're abroad without having to wait for three hours at Gatwick Airport .
4 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
5 We rode for five hours in the rain .
6 Mr Hamlyn operated for four hours on the man who remained in intensive care .
7 Poured on to the plane , alone , Burton was humped for thirteen hours across the Atlantic , assuaged by alcohol ; stopped over for a few drinks in New York and then taken on an eleven-hour trip to Los Angeles which was made tolerable by more alcohol .
8 However , Ryzhkov on July 12 told the congress that production had been halted for 24 hours at 230 of the country 's 655 coalmines , with shorter stoppages occurring at many others .
9 Colin Moorfields , 41 , was forced to drive for two hours after the 28-year-old , armed with a 6in knife , said : ‘ Mess up and I will slit your throat and then mine .
10 She did not tell me that the poor hungry children had to wash with ice in the morning , and walk through wet snow to sit for two hours with icy feet in a cold church on Sundays .
11 We had flown for thirty hours in the fortnight .
12 As Robyn Penrose is winding up her lecture , and Vic Wilcox is commencing his tour of the machine shop , Philip Swallow returns from a rather tiresome meeting of the Arts Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee ( which wrangled for two hours about the proposed revision of a clause in the PhD regulations and then voted to leave it unchanged , an expenditure of time that seemed all the more vain since there are scarcely any new candidates for the PhD in arts subjects anyway these days ) to find a rather disturbing message from the Vice-Chancellor 's office .
13 Then simmer for 1 hour until tender .
14 Activity-dependent synaptic potentiation occurs within milliseconds and can persist for many hours in the anaesthetised animal or in the in vitro hippocampal slice preparation , and for days when induced in the freely moving animal .
15 Another prisoner was blinded for 48 hours by power hoses , ’ he claimed .
16 And loyalists claim a second inmate was blinded for 48 hours after riot squad prison officers turned high-powered hose on his face .
17 This has got ta defrost for four hours in the fridge .
18 Peroxidase conjugated sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulins ( Amersham ) were added at a 1/2000 dilution in PBSB-Tween and incubated for 1 hour at room temperature .
19 The second layer antibody , biotinylatd goat anti-mouse IgG ( Vector Laboratories , Burlingame , CA , USA ) was applied at a dilution of 1:50 and incubated for two hours at room temperature .
20 The bottles were gassed out with argon and then incubated for 48 hours at 37°C on an orbital shaker .
21 Cells were then shocked with 25% DMSO in Hanks solution for 3 min and then incubated for 30 hours in fresh DME-Medium containing 10%FCS at 37°C with 5% CO 2 .
22 Briefly , antigen strips preincubated for one hour in blocking buffer ( 5% non-fat milk powder in phosphate buffered saline pH 7.2 , containing 0.05% Tween 20 ) were incubated overnight at room temperature in serum samples ( diluted 1:100 v/v in blocking buffer ) or mouse monoclonal antibody GL2 that recognises Giardia heat shock antigen ( diluted 1:1000 v/v in blocking buffer ) .
23 Our start was delayed for twelve hours by a typical short but fierce blow from the south west which fell away during the night .
24 This seems to indicate a deep , free , and intensive time of prayer , when the Spirit takes over and controls and leads the prayers , and one can go on praying for several hours without being aware of the passage of time .
25 The Iranian consulate in Geneva had been occupied for four hours on Dec. 14 , 1988 , by opponents of the Tehran regime and evidence had been found that Tale had been collecting information on the Iranian exile community in Switzerland .
26 THREE 14-year-old Scouts were found yesterday after being trapped for 18 hours in torrential rain on a Lake District mountain .
27 EIGHT Yorkshire miners , trapped for 15 hours behind thousands of tons of rock , coal and twisted steel half a mile underground , are expected back at work today after what British Coal described as ‘ a stunningly successful ’ rescue operation .
28 A MAN quizzed for 60 hours by detectives hunting Rachel Nickell 's killer was finally charged with flashing .
29 We were not far below the hanging glacier bivouac , where we stopped for two hours before pushing on to make the most of the night .
30 To test the inhibition of HT-29 cell adhesion to these extracellular matrix components , cells were preincubated with varying concentrations of monoclonal antibodies against integrin subunits for one hour at 4°C before seeding on coated microwells .
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