Example sentences of "[verb] in the other direction " in BNC.

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1 To find enough opponents of the left who were not too far committed in the other direction proved more difficult than we had imagined .
2 For in one follow-up meeting after another , in Belgrade and Madrid and finally Vienna , the human rights standards laid down at Helsinki were refined and tightened , while Romanian internal policies either stood still or moved in the other direction , that is to say downhill .
3 Translating in the other direction , from one of the above languages into English , will frequently involve loss of information along the dimensions in question .
4 Letts , of course , has moved in the other direction , into book publishing ( Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop has seen a 500% increase in turnover of sales of their books this year , John Harvey-Jones please note ) , but it is well worth stocking Letts ' unbeatable range of the more traditional diaries for which it is so rightly famous .
5 Ironically , Gloucester look likely to be one of the sides they may well pass going in the other direction if the Tynesiders fulfil their three-year plan .
6 Ironically , Gloucester look likely to be one of the sides they may well pass going in the other direction if the Tynesiders fulfil their three-year plan .
7 Going in the other direction , say from English into Arabic , a translator should try to find some way of conveying the emphasis attached to a fronted predicator .
8 And going in the other direction , what do you have inside atoms ?
9 I do n't sort of think of it as art going in the other direction .
10 Moving in the other direction are Pheonix who are already well-established on the 2-ply scene with their Driphter jackets .
11 Now , I have n't totally had a chance to talk to Mr er , about that , but I would assume that means you er , and so it 's moving in the other direction if anything Mrs .
12 Yet it can happen that the momentum of the previous plan ( or previous chief executive ) is still pulling in one direction whilst the new plan ( or chief executive ) wants to go in the other direction .
13 The quality broadsheets were heavily skewed towards the wealthier social classes with more formal education , and the tabloids were skewed in the other direction .
14 A sense of perspective can also be undermined in the other direction — is not pride in performance sometimes dangerously close to obsession ?
15 This may also , it is held , operate in the other direction between girl , father and mother .
16 HMS Reading should have been coming in the other direction .
17 I think that people have got to turn in the other direction , and really want to be because I see in schools there are
18 Eventually Bligh had to turn round and run in the other direction , right round the earth , into the Pacific .
19 The tree was so big that , if it had fallen into the clearing , it would have flattened most of the gathering , but luckily it went in the other direction , toppling over the cliffside .
20 So two-thirds of the attackers moved round , as silently as they could , under the high perimeter walling , to the front of the establishment , whilst the remainder , leaving a small guard on the horses , went in the other direction , west-about , to the area of the broken-down curtain walls , nearer at hand .
21 For the mass of the population , indeed , the shift of interest arguably went in the other direction .
22 So Gloria and Maudie set off one way , towards West Ferry Road , while Ruth and Sarah went in the other direction .
23 Instead of following Thérèse down the road that led to the centre of the village , out again , and so , eventually , to the Martin farm , she went in the other direction .
24 But this year organisers have gone in the other direction , increasing the number of participants from 20 to 32 while shortening the length of the competition .
25 The facts point in the other direction .
26 Defries turned and looked in the other direction .
27 That frenzied period has passed and , if anything , the pendulum has swung in the other direction .
28 The ions , whose average progress is slower , move in the other direction .
29 Then the movement might be practised in the other direction , and the physiotherapist guides the hemiplegic hip and knee to move sideways with perfect control .
30 Hermione Lee pinpoints what I feel about this novel — that although its subject is depression and waiting for death , it does not feel gloomy because of its own formal delight , its interest in language , including the contrasted languages of the sophisticated ‘ writer ’ , the Professor , a historian of the European exploration of America , and Tom Outland , the indigenous traveller , discovering the primeval inhabitants , but teaching himself to read Virgil , and thus exploring in the other direction .
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