Example sentences of "[verb] in return for the " in BNC.

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1 Something more than a vote was expected in return for the major posts , but essentially they too were employed to aid the development of a political interest .
2 Physical gratification often plays a contributing role in the exercise of persuasion : what does the marketing manager expect in return for the expensive lunch she 's buying you ?
3 Is there a difference between requesting an act and specifying an act to be done in return for the promise ?
4 He genuinely believed that this was the least the belligerents could do in return for the " sacrifices " made by Spain during the Civil War .
5 As the Supreme Court had ruled that capping the amount which a candidate could spend would amount to an unconstitutional interference with the right of free speech , the bill aimed to establish voluntary spending limits in return for the receipt of benefits .
6 The doing of an act which there is a public duty to do — for example , attendance as a witness in response to a subpoena ( below , p. 217 ) has similarly been held to have no value in the law and to be insufficient consideration for a promise made in return for the doing of it .
7 This migration into bliss was offered in return for the living of a life according to the relevant teachings .
8 The short judgments proceed on the simple ground that the sheriff was not entitled to retain sums which he had no legal right to demand , but the sums were demanded in return for the rendering of a service , namely the issuing of warrants , so the case is capable of being rationalised on the basis that they were exacted colore officii , a concept which emerged more clearly in later cases .
9 All Giles had wanted in return for the small gifts he showered on her was affection .
10 The Iraqi government offered to co-operate in return for the lifting of economic sanctions and announced that it would send a mission to New York to discuss this with the UN Security Council on March 10 .
11 The old system — by which banks only reported accounts which received more than £500 per annum interest — was scrapped in return for the abolition of composite rate tax , enabling gross interest payments for savers on low incomes .
12 Although Premier Robert Bourassa was returned with a reduced majority , the separatist Parti Quebecois ( PQ ) increased the number of its seats and secured 41 per cent of the vote , a development interpreted by most commentators as limiting the scale of concessions which Bourassa could offer in return for the ratification of Meech Lake .
13 Once assumed , the title could only be renounced in return for the most substantial concessions , and as long as Edward called himself Ring of France he could pose , with some success , as an alternative government to the Valois monarchy .
14 It offered union co-operation on pay claims in return for the government 's pledge to curb prices and inflation , but it was never underwritten by individual unions — a key weakness as it turned out .
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