Example sentences of "[verb] a [adv] defined [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This speech in the cockney vernacular reads almost like a foreign language , but it has a well defined construction and rhythm .
2 Gallup in September 1980 asked voters to indicate which of various descriptions best suited the two candidates and Reagan was placed well ahead of Carter on several leadership questions : ‘ Has strong leadership qualities ’ , 65 per cent — 31 per cent ; ‘ Decisive sure of himself , 69 per cent — 37 per cent ; ‘ Has a well defined progam for moving the country ahead ’ , 53 per cent — 27 per cent ; ‘ You know where he stands on the issues ’ , 54 per cent — 33 per cent .
3 To adopt this approach successfully it is important that government has a clearly defined framework for investment in research .
4 The man who has reversed the image of the horizontal heavyweight from Britain now has a clearly defined picture of the future in his head .
5 Despite the urgent need to halt economic decline , neither has a clearly defined policy .
6 But I ca n't prevent myself thinking that the person who is to play Claudia should possess a clearly defined personality of her own .
7 This question too has had a long history though it is only quite recently that it has become a precisely defined issue of zoological theory .
8 A second likely reason for the ineffectiveness of project work is that the activity itself does not have a clearly defined purpose on the part of either the teacher or the pupil .
9 ‘ A revolutionary socialist newspaper should exist for a specific purpose ; it should have a clearly defined perspective ’ , wrote Tariq Ali ominously in the anniversary editorial .
10 In the auction room discretion must be used in bidding and the developer must have a clearly defined policy if the price exceeds the value calculated : he should either withdraw or bid only a marginal percentage above the calculated value .
11 Everyone in an organization should have a clearly defined role .
12 Do you have a clearly defined training programme for your managers ?
13 A further difficulty is that , within a particular culture or sub-culture , religion will have a socially defined image , so that in some circumstances respondents might feel they ought to say that they are more ‘ religious ’ than they really are , or , in other circumstances , that they are less so .
14 However , we believe that those who are determined to understand a phenomenon and to follow their research and their intuition wherever they may lead , are on the balance of probabilities , perhaps more likely to come up with new knowledge than those who are trying to solve a narrowly defined problem or to develop a product .
15 I think it would be beneficial for each committee member to have a clearly defined area of responsibility in order to spread the load and develop expertise in particular areas .
16 As a consequence of this , teacher trainers occupy a crucial role , that of developing in students the skills necessary to deliver a centrally defined curriculum package by grade , hour , week and year .
17 We have therefore created a biochemically defined model system to explore this hypothesis .
18 She had a strongly defined concept of what was Real and what was not , did William 's nan , and some people were just playing at life .
19 He maintained that the good news about Jesus had a clearly defined form .
20 Because of their size and limited ownership they have a strongly defined character
21 Some of the University 's degrees are specifically vocational and have an established core or have a clearly defined course of study ; others are more open in their purpose and structure .
22 To the advocates of reductionism and materialism , or the sceptical at heart , the Hindus have a clearly defined answer for that condition :
23 A system whereby gross contributions to the EC budget have a well defined relation to relative incomes , even without progressivity , would be a major step in matters of budgetary harmonisation .
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