Example sentences of "[verb] the big [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 More significantly , the Government yesterday made the biggest effort yet to defuse the row by saying the two Central Office officials ' visit had been cleared by the Tory chairman , Sir Norman Fowler , but Major himself had known nothing about it .
2 I think there 's a lot of the co , er , the smaller companies feel that way , but the bigger companies have tried the smaller ones , and I think we , we 're not likely to lose the bigger ones as easy as lose the small ones .
3 Come in with me as my lieutenant , and we 'll make the biggest fortune ever seen in Cornwall .
4 A SUSPICIOUS car dealer foiled a Provisional IRA plot to plant the biggest bomb ever in London .
5 I mean the big fellows here they 've got to try and run it off or give it a tug and come off come off and get the er the sub on .
6 I mean the biggest thing really I think my interest in all this to get secure trade from us
7 Ray Floyd , Tom Kite and Hale Irwin have shown that you can still win the big titles even when you are over 40 .
8 Barney explained the intricacies of the pre-selector gearbox , after which Julie engaged first gear and , with a slight jolt , moved the big car slowly down the station drive .
9 But he added : ‘ The players who 've enjoyed the biggest success abroad have been those who 've blended in and learned the language . ’
10 Lester Piggott provided the York magic yesterday and he looks the biggest danger here on another unlucky Goodwood horse , Mudaffar .
11 But then you probably have n't met the big baddies yet .
12 That was right through and then once they got it right through , they cut the big chamber then .
13 Then came the big leap forward : running the 50-branch network in his Geordie home patch .
14 Those yachts , with their flowing sheer , were the swans , Golden Girl was the barracuda , Trent thought as he recalled the big fish hardly stirring as it circled him .
15 But this autumn will provide the biggest test yet , with Dance Energy , a 10-part BBC2 series about the new ‘ dance culture ’ , to be screened at 6.30 pm on Mondays .
16 progress was occasionally slow but the big driver was coaxing the big wheels gently over and through the snow .
17 In the coming month , I 'm going to surf the biggest wave ever seen .
18 Tubs suit the bigger specimens best ; terracotta Provence pots and urns , the ones that are shatter-proof in frost , have a gorgeously warm look , and seem to be the natural home of this kind of shabby aromatic herb .
19 My husband was a native New Yorker , and I could never get him to leave the Big Apple even for a holiday .
20 It was then , after a storm that had blown for seven days at speeds exceeding seventy knots , that the Ramapo encountered the biggest wave ever reported by a ship at sea .
21 Labour MPs defied party orders to abstain , but the end of the debate marked the biggest revolt so far by Conservative MPs in the marathon saga of the Bill 's passage through the Commons .
22 The comfort of having the big glass here at last , he wrote , of living in the shadow of its coldness , its emptiness .
23 Swindon police say they 're pleased with the way they handled the biggest test yet of their football security operation .
24 This experimental law has caused the biggest outcry even before it has been played .
25 We were met by the director and , over several late night drinks , we discussed the big day ahead .
26 I think the biggest thing really is just like they say , is how much you can get that done for and , get the roofing done , that 's got ta be done .
27 Teacher : Should we put the big ones together over here ?
28 Watch your knuckles on the door-frame , ’ warned Tom , as they half slid , half carried the big mattress safely out of the door , then out on to the veranda and down the back stairs to where it would be stored safely off the ground in a large store-room next to the laundry .
29 She likes the big garden here — she even walks round next door 's garden and ad mires it .
30 We all had the biggest bits actually .
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