Example sentences of "[verb] talk to [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 I mean , please Quincx , I want to talk to him in person .
2 He first tried to talk to me in an English pub .
3 But I did n't want to be seen talking to her in the office , so I should have to wait until she got home .
4 ‘ I told you — I 've got to talk to you in private .
5 To show this was not true , I began to talk to her in an animated way , and she was attentive , encouraging me with questions .
6 ‘ I could see the alcohol taking effect ; he became so excited that he began to talk to me in Italian .
7 She crashed out a few chords and started to talk to us in a different voice through her ‘ control ’ , who was ( of course ) , a Red Indian — White Cloud or Black Feet or something like that .
8 If he could have talked to her in Italian it would have been different , but his correct English , which he had learned from his mother who had had an English governess , and which he only ever spoke with her friends or on a case that required it , was of no use to him now .
9 I only came across the 1936 front page because it was hanging framed on the right-hand wall of old Pierre Gemayel 's office when I went to talk to him in the summer of 1982 in east Beirut .
10 Usually he never bothered to talk to her in bed , but this was what real lovers did , told each other their fears and worries , confided in each other , helped each other .
11 Yeah er and er I 'll be quite frank with you erm until I start talking to you in your background would n't come anywhere near what we want .
12 She wanted to talk to him in a way she had never wanted to talk to anyone before , but he was next door , not here .
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