Example sentences of "[verb] facility [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two legal reasons were that full adherence would require greater changes in English law than could be recommended , and that the Convention was concerned with service via official channels , whereas ‘ the great need is to obtain facilities for the use of less official channels ’ .
2 provide facilities for the research team to trial test items with their lower attaining mathematics classes ;
3 I am delighted to be able to tell the hon. Gentleman that our policy on capital expenditure is to encourage and enable higher education institutions to invest , as they need to do , to accommodate the dramatic increase in student numbers as well as provide facilities for the research of remarkable quality which takes place in so many of our universities .
4 In the late 1970s there was considerable pressure on landing facilities at the fish quay and a serious proposal for a replacement on a much larger scale ( see North Tyneside CDP , 1978a ) .
5 This proved unnecessary and massive investment followed to provide facilities for the construction of the latest generation of Atlantic liners .
6 However , all but three of the 36 liaison group schools collaborated with the research team throughout by continuing to trial packages of materials sent to them and to provide facilities for the research team to visit the schools .
7 The objective is to provide facilities for the investigation and recording of archaeological remains prior to development .
8 We do not think that local authorities will , generally speaking , take bold steps to provide facilities for the study of non-vocational subjects .
9 ‘ The Protons were basically a punk rock band , ’ Lenny explains , as the ‘ Weed luxuriate in the compact and bijou confines of the third support band 's dressing facilities at the London Astoria , ‘ and these two guys were doing a '60s R&B thing .
10 It had been intended to provide turning facilities at the Robin Hood , but no suitable place could be found .
11 Accordingly , all authorities must provide facilities for the initial and temporary reception of children with the necessary skilled staff for observing and assessing their physical , mental and emotional condition .
12 He said the first floor of the building would provide facilities for the town council , as well as including a stage and auditorium for public performances , with full access for the disabled .
13 The idea is to make it a bring facility at the moment , which is why we like the station centre and the yard behind it , because people tend to drive out that way as they go to Exeter and back .
14 At local level , voluntary welfare organizations , usually run on a diocesan basis , often act as agents for the local authority in providing facilities for the reception of unmarried mothers and some provide long-term accommodation for mothers and their growing children or general social work help as long as it is necessary .
15 Customers of Tamworth can now dispose of their rubbish at the same time as doing their shopping , as there are now recycling facilities in the car park .
16 The taxpayer sometimes also provided facilities for the duplication of films onto video cassettes and for dubbing , which was carried out in Hong Kong , and the cost was usually included in the sub-licence fee .
17 In addition to granting sub-licences the taxpayer from time to time provided facilities for the duplication of films from the master film onto video cassettes and for dubbing which was carried out by sub-contractors .
18 A wide and varied portfolio is on offer , with excellent winter and summer sporting facilities in the mountains of French speaking Switzerland , and some on the shores of Lake Geneva .
19 A UK exchange will be an RIE rather than a DIE ; overseas exchanges are usually DIEs ( which is an SIB rather than an FSA category ) but some with dealing facilities in the UK , such as the Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Mercantile Exchange , are RIEs .
20 The Black Report , for example , showed that the main explanation for the higher accident rate among children of manual families lies in their residential environment : overcrowding in the house , lack of safe playing facilities in the vicinity of the house and a consequent tendency to play in the streets .
21 This page explains facilities for the windsurfer holidays described on page 24 .
22 Erm , we are , we are at present at the moment spending money upgrading facilities for the youths .
23 In an effort to create more atmosphere at Longchamp , Horse Racing Abroad , the chief transporter of Britons to French tracks , has its own grandstands , bars ( stocking drinks the British are used to ) , restaurants and betting facilities at the course to make its clients feel at home .
24 For instance , as a result of its interest in this area Barclay 's has put up £1 million to sponsor facilities at the science park at Warwick University .
25 The sponsorship money will be used to upgrade facilities at the Stoop Memorial Ground because , according to chairman Roger Looker , ‘ We recognise we have a long way to go towards what we consider to be adequate facilities , particularly if we sustain our growth ’ .
26 Consultants appointed to study the implications for the container port of Felixstowe came to a similar conclusion but its owners , P&O , have nevertheless embarked on a £50m project to upgrade facilities by the end of the year .
27 In addition to the afternoon 's official programme , there were several extra events , all raising funds to improve facilities at the centre .
28 The scheme has been proposed to improve facilities at the Honeypot Lane site in Darlington .
29 The scheme has been proposed to improve facilities at the Honeypot Lane site in Darlington .
30 These consist of : ( i ) a direct dealing relationship with the Bank of England ; ( ii ) borrowing facilities at the Bank ; ( iii ) access to IDBs ; ( iv ) facilities for borrowing and lending stock ; and ( v ) the right to submit bids slightly later than others at auctions of new government stock .
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