Example sentences of "[verb] forward [prep] [art] day " in BNC.

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1 He looks forward to the day when home computers are so widespread that the price for software will drop by 75 per cent .
2 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
3 Birthtales looks forward to the day when these female experiences are considered to be a valid subjects for inclusion in galleries .
4 He had looked forward to a day in the sun , the simple admiration of colleagues , young scientists .
5 I , in my turn , was surprised to find how much I was looking forward to a day on my own , and mildly surprised at my mother 's willingness to leave me to it .
6 Such a shame really , since I was so looking forward to the day .
7 We could n't do a thing about it , only get on with our jobs , living from day to day and , being young , looking forward to the day — surely not too far ahead — when things would start moving in our favour again .
8 Clearly , the writer is also looking forward to the day when the Word of God will become flesh and live among us .
9 He once said he was ‘ looking forward to the day I can go fishing without someone sitting in the back of the boat saying do n't I know there 's a war on ’ .
10 My reason for not having done it myself and my father 's reasons for not having done it with the National Gallery is that , in the case of Yale , I 'm looking forward to the day when there 'll be other people interested in English art who will give paintings or money to the Center for British Art just because it is the Center for British Art , where they would n't do it if it was the Paul Mellon Center for British Art .
11 Helen is looking forward to the day when Jenny can also be treated but this ca n't be done until she stops growing .
12 Even though he was looking forward to the day when she moved on , he was already beginning to sense that her leaving would be something of a wrench .
13 She said she 's looking forward to the day that we get it fixed !
14 Susan Cole-King from Burcott has already been ordained ; it was into the Episcopal Church in the United States four years ago , but Mrs Cole-King , who works as a deacon for the Oxford diocese at Dorchester , is looking forward to the day she 'll be able to act as a priest closer to home .
15 Some suggestions a that membership should be mandatory for those holding R Y A positions and appointments , well , that is certainly up for future debate but I do look forward to the day when our membership is truly representative at the individual level as it is currently at the club level and we w should n't forget that the R Y A is its membership .
16 Removing the ‘ job weeds ’ from my life has made for a less stressful lifestyle and I actually look forward to every day .
17 Those of us who have had reason to spend even a short time in a hospital will appreciate how much they look forward to the day that they can return home , even though their period spent in the hospital may have been made as pleasant as possible by exemplary care .
18 I look forward to the day when the technological wizardry of Contraves can be concentrated in their Biomedical Technology , and Space Technology , Divisions .
19 It is simply a system that combines proven practices for healthy soil with the best in modern biological knowledge and one that recognises animals as living creatures rather than inanimate objects Organic campaigners look forward to the day when organic farming provides most of our food and surely this is the best prospect for agricultural policy as it moves into the next century .
20 I look forward to the day when he reviews the works of his own publisher , Mr. Pooley , with the same degree of scrutiny .
21 I look forward to the day when a statistically perfect model is available for assessing the quality of cardiac surgical care .
22 I look forward to the day when restaurants , pubs , cafe s and public transport undertakings through the United Kingdom take seriously the problems of smoking .
23 I look forward to the day , in a few months ' time , when my right hon. Friend the Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) will be getting back into the main stream of that debate and participating fully in the European Community for the benefit of all our citizens .
24 And so we all look forward to the day the renovation will be finished .
25 He wrote to Greece : I look forward to the day when by the Eastern and Western Emperors together , this enemy nation will be expelled from the church of Christ and Christianity will be avenged .
26 I look forward to the day when we do have a regional tier of government , and erm , a very prominent local politician , not of my party , told me in confidence , that he believes that erm , there will be a regional tier of government sooner or later , if only to react to the pressures from Europe .
27 Historians usually regard this as a scandal and look forward to the day when computerised storage will allow everything to be kept .
28 Er , but the interesting , the interesting thing is that they are prepared to pay and yet this obsession this obsession with this ideology that the only way you can get you can go forward in in terms of er placing this this country in any economic status in the way it may have been and er is is to privatisation of V A T. Chairman I look forward to the day when when the very air and this has been said for that we breathe will either be privatised or more important they 'll stick a bloody V A T on it .
29 Both Dr Aris and the university look forward to the day when Aung San Suu Kyi will be free to come to Oxford to collect her honorary degree .
30 He added : ‘ I look forward to the day when South Africa will have a fully representative government . ’
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