Example sentences of "[verb] round [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's this competitive rugby survey thing that 's come round from The Times , ’ said Reg Certes , the club secretary .
2 If I just nip round to the drawings I 'll just give you an indication of of what exactly we 're , we 're doing .
3 She peered round for the nuns , but they were nowhere to be seen .
4 It is a great mistake : Barbara has to give up her small tress-shop and the cosy flat above where Percy liked to come round in the evenings ; while Percy , lacking that place of resort , now leaves her alone and goes out to play billiards .
5 As soon as the gentleman came round from the stables on his horse , the lad pelted down town and across the building sites to alert the men .
6 Anyone looking round in the weeks of Christian Aid could see this really was ‘ the churches in action with the world 's poor ’ , and that while this action was firmly based at St. Andrew 's & St. George 's it was done ‘ in company with people form other churches ’ .
7 Immediately after the coup , Prime Minister Zahedi and his son Ardeshir who had helped round up the demonstrators , met their American advisers .
8 No longer had she the ache of longing for that stretch of white road leading round to the sycamores .
9 Erm and again I put erm things about putting details in the post although you , although you did try and overcome that one erm but you , you just could n't , you could n't get Steven to realize the benefit of you actually going round with the illustrations rather than you just sending it and you needed to get , to get the appointment out of him rather than because if he got the illustrations in the post he may never read them .
10 He swivelled round to the Environments Officer .
11 He took a deep breath and glanced round at the giants .
12 She was silent while the girl unloaded the tray then when they were alone again she shook out her serviette , glanced round at the others and said , ‘ When we 've had our lunch , Ken , you can take me to watch the donkey derby and we 'll leave these two to talk . ’
13 He glanced round at the groups of people on the terrace , by the pool , strolling in the garden .
14 She glanced round at the cats to see how much food would be needed .
15 Even today , it is impossible to debate the weather or the honey crop with the average Cagliaritano without the conversation drifting round to the campioni del settanta .
16 Then , as the Rutshire ponies ' girths were loosened and they were washed down , scraped and walked round by the grooms , Drew called a brief team meeting .
17 At that point Kalchu stood up , rummaged round behind the rafters and , after a while , pulled out a dusty horn which he handed me .
18 I 'll have to check the exact date , ’ she mumbled , then , glancing round at the others , she said , ‘ Are you quite sure you want to go again ?
19 We could walk round to the stables , if you do not object to it — I can vouch for it that the grass is not wet — and then perhaps Miss Araminta will not hear as the horses will not come to the front door . ’
20 Present them with a vision of a world in which meals were eaten at a table instead of on the knees before the flickering screen ; in which conversation was commonplace ; political and social ideas worked out by individuals , not spoon-fed into the mind by paid commentators ; a TV-less world in which we danced and sang and played charades to entertain ourselves or even popped round to the neighbours ; in which our children were not fed visions of death and dead bodies on the daily news , their infant imaginations no longer turned feverish and fearful by the sobs and sorrows of the bereaved ; nor subject to the cruel , disagreeable and frequently morbid fictional fantasies of others — would we not really vote for this ?
21 So good am I that I turn round on the runners to photograph Tony .
22 And then we can go round to the toys .
23 ‘ We 'll go round past the stables and cut across the fields , ’ he told her .
24 gon na pick up cheap pickings , they 're gon na go round like the vultures , just taking it and taking it
25 If Owen looked round for the cameras , North acted throughout as though he was sure they were there .
26 He tried very hard not to cough like he 'd seen people cough in westerns when they tried whisky for the first time , and got away with just clearing his throat rather loudly ( he looked round at the curtains , afraid somebody might have heard ) .
27 Mr Brocklehurst , on the other hand , now looked round at the girls , and almost jumped in surprise .
28 She looked round at the others , spitting dust from their mouths , coughing , shaking with cold .
29 Then he looked round at the roses climbing the old red walls , the pink and white flowers on the fruit trees , and the birds and the butterflies everywhere .
30 I looked round at the faces .
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