Example sentences of "[verb] speak at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The feminists had divined that , who once , when she rose to speak at a meeting , had hissed and cat-called , assuming her crowning glory to be the seductive and marketable product of an inhumanely tested bottle .
2 John Landry of Lotus Development Corp , Philippe Kahn of Borland International Inc and John Sculley of Apple Computer Inc have also been booked to speak at the event .
3 Objectors and supporters wanting to speak at the inquiry were asked to complete forms listing the witnesses they intended calling and roughly how long each piece of evidence would take .
4 During my last year at Cambridge the Prime Minister , Mr Callaghan , came to speak at the Union .
5 We first encounter Anderson , a professor of ethics , on board a plane for Prague , where he has been invited to speak at a philosophy conference .
6 In August 1988 , Dai Qing was invited to speak at a banquet in Hong Kong held in honour of Liu Binyan , the most famous ‘ investigative reporter ’ of the People 's Daily , the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party .
7 That is the signal to get the diary ready because you are going to be asked to speak at a dinner .
8 ‘ I was delighted to be asked to speak at the opening of this exhibition to mark the Centenary of the Diocesan Vestment Guild .
9 In Cambridge , Mr Rushdie said it was an honour to be asked to speak at the college , where he was a student in the 1960s .
10 The philosophers debated ; St Paul was taken to speak at the Areopagus in Athens " for all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else , but either to tell , or to hear some new thing " ; the House of Commons clears the ground for legislation by public discussion ; and the speakers in Hyde Park orate .
11 Can I assist here ? the motion that has been mooted and the amendment has been proposed the amendment has been accepted the question now is whether what the the motion has been made and uh it is a matter for you to go to your suggested that certain members be allowed to speak at the end of the day it is a matter for you to decide uh control of the who is allowed to speak on that particular motion as amended of course
12 And I need you to sign a consent form before you go as you have spoken at the meeting , okay .
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