Example sentences of "[verb] britain 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 By 1962 — the critical year of decision — it had become bound up with high politics ( rupturing a prestige Anglo-French collaborative project was not the best way of smoothing Britain 's path to EEC membership ) and the phenomenon of imperial surrogate whereby hi-tech enterprises became a substitute and a consolation for loss of empire .
2 No wonder boss Jim Driscoll — who invented the Shoe People and set up the company — is being dubbed Britain 's answer to Walt Disney .
3 Dubbed Britain 's answer to the Supremes , the Divas were tipped for the top .
4 One of the MPs says any further reduction in spending would cut Britain 's defence to the bone .
5 It would seem that the consensus of legal opinion , at least in Britain , is still that the position has not yet been reached where the British Parliament would be constitutionally prohibited from severing or amending Britain 's commitment to the Treaty of Rome — though that position is now perilously close .
6 Meanwhile American aid was needed to ease the dollar famine , and to sustain Britain 's commitment to multilateral trade .
7 The world has lost confidence in us and now doubts Britain 's ability to successfully deal with its economic problems — this at a time when we are major producers of oil !
8 Having succeeded to Britain 's traditional role as the maritime power , the US this century has inherited Britain 's commitment to the balance of power in Europe .
9 MARGARET THATCHER said yesterday she intends to maintain Britain 's opposition to sanctions against South Africa at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference later this month .
10 This is cold-blooded business indeed , just as was the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that gave Britain 's support to a Jewish homeland providing that ‘ nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine ’ .
11 Apart from those who were staunchly anti-American , many resented Britain 's decline to the position of a " poor relation " and were anxious for the nation to recover its former economic independence .
12 The French smoothed Britain 's way to accepting the Exchange Rate Mechanism by announcing the dropping of exchange controls .
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