Example sentences of "[verb] your [noun] off the " in BNC.

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1 There are various maps to show you the way , and we recommend you take a picnic with you , as most viewpoints also have picnic tables and chairs and space to pull your car off the road .
2 ‘ Would you do a marathon of keeping your feet off the ground for as long as possible with Les Dawson ? ’
3 Can you keep your feet off the chair thank you good you sit over there there we are .
4 Here and there a duckboard keeps your feet off the mud .
5 And then you lift your feet off the ground and rush round and round , faster and faster and the momentum even twists the chain up again the other way ? ’
6 Get your foot off the pedal — I 'm trying to brake !
7 Get your dungy off the floor .
8 BELOW LEFT There is no need to let your dog off the leash at first when you are teaching the ‘ stay ’ command .
9 Here the dog will have the benefit of family companionship , but it is best to advise the person concerned not to let your pet off the leash when taking it for a walk outside .
10 To keep your shoes off the floor why not get a hanging shoe rack with multi-purpose compartments ?
11 Can you take your feet off the table !
12 Now road testing , the bloke said look you can take your hands off the wheel at a hundred and fifty !
13 Hilda , will you take your books off the table ? ’
14 ‘ No , but it 'll take your mind off the nausea and dizziness . ’
15 ‘ I could help take your mind off the unpleasantness . ’
16 Can I cut your head off the next time ?
17 Can I cut your head off the next time ?
18 When you first allow your dog off the leash outside you should be confident that all the basic commands , especially the command ‘ stay ’ have been mastered by your pet .
20 The object of this is to draw four straight lines through nine points without taking your pen off the paper .
21 This means concentrating on the tow and only taking your eyes off the towplane for a brief moment .
22 All without lifting a finger or taking your eyes off the traffic for one moment .
23 Without taking your eyes off the road , ‘ see ’ a parking space just where you want it , and expect it to be there .
24 A Try taking your baby off the breast and saying ‘ no ’ , quite firmly .
25 When sitting on the saddle you must be able to operate the brake levers without taking your hands off the handlebars .
26 Yo , we took your curtains off the front room .
27 I took your signature off the bottom .
28 ‘ You took your eyes off the leprechaun . ’
29 It 'll make you cough probably , and keep your fingers off the s off the
30 you would tend to raise your foot off the brake sort of jump and take your foot off the brake and you 'd go forward and hit the car in front .
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