Example sentences of "[verb] its powers under the " in BNC.

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1 Local trade unionists and labour ( ILP ) activists organized themselves in an effort to force the local authority , which was dominated by ‘ urban capitalists ’ ( housing landlords , builders , estate agents and others who derived their living from private rented housing ) , to implement its powers under the 1890 Housing of the Working Classes Act .
2 This was not done in the 1985 Act — with the result that it would be open to the Government not to comply with an order if it takes the view that the Tribunal 's decision clearly exceeds its powers under the statute .
3 The cause or matter in question was the application to the court to exercise its powers under the Allied Forces Act and the order , and to deliver the appellant to the Dutch military authorities .
4 Sometimes it may be necessary for a mortgagee , for example a bank or building society , to exercise its powers under the Law of Property Act 1925 as enhanced by the provisions of the relevant mortgage deed in order to take possession of a property from a defaulting borrower .
5 The Financial Reporting Review Panel , which oversees financial reporting and ensures accountancy standards are adhered to , has accused two publicly quoted companies of failing to comply with Statements of Standard Accounting Practice ( SSAP ) and the 1985 Companies Act , but in both cases the Panel has decided not to use its powers under the Companies Act to apply for a court order revising the defective accounts .
6 The organisation has called on the European Commission to use its powers under the Euratom Treaty to investigate contamination around Mururoa .
7 The Court was asked whether the General Assembly could extend its powers under the Mandate system to authorise the Committee on South West Africa to grant oral hearings to inhabitants of the Territory .
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