Example sentences of "[verb] her head in the " in BNC.

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1 She jerked her head in the uniforms ' direction .
2 Mind you — - " she jerked her head in the direction of the Russell , which had recently returned from Plymouth and lay at anchor in the Pool , " 'E 's got a lot to answer for .
3 Iris jerked her head in the direction of the telephone .
4 Peggy jerked her head in the direction of the ceiling , and Victoria said on a laugh , ‘ Yes , yes , I 'll take her tea up .
5 She jerked her head in the direction of the factory shop-floor .
6 ‘ Mary has her head in the clouds . ’
7 Then she too would bury her head in the pillow and weep .
8 She turned over and buried her head in the pillow .
9 Fiona shuddered , her voice almost a squeal as she took a series of sudden , deep in-rushing breaths , and buried her head in the hollow between Lachlan Watt 's shoulder and neck .
10 She buried her head in the pillow and began to snore gently .
11 Then she buried her head in the pillow and the tears came and came , flowing out of her as if there was to be no end to them , ever .
12 She looked round her bedroom and saw that David had left his wristwatch on her bedside table ; the scent of the citrus aftershave he used still hung in the air and when finally , in despair , she turned and buried her head in the pillow , the bed beneath her was still warm with the imprint of his body .
13 Louisa began again , but faltered when she saw Emilia close her eyes and shake her head in the little bonnet she wore .
14 She turned her head in the direction of the alto : a young woman with light hair and the face of an angel .
15 A new bride is expected to cover her head in the presence of her parents-in-law and older brothers-in-law .
16 She rested her head in the curve of his neck .
17 David looked up then and Julia nodded her head in the direction of the drawing room , meaning ( as she knew David would understand ) that she wondered whether she should leave them alone .
18 She gets her head in the bonnet and
19 Getting her head in the way of the camera .
20 Then Travis moved on to his back , drawing her with him to rest her head in the angle of his shoulder .
21 Next step will be when the Beverly Hills 90210 beauty starts burying her head in the warm California sand during filming .
22 Now Bridget broke off in mid-sentence and put her finger to her lips , nodding her head in the direction of the college buildings .
23 With a big sign she lay her head in the crook of his arm and closed her eyes .
24 Leith put her head in the air , took a side-step , and marched on her way .
25 Elinor folded her arms and , shaking her head in the way Henry sometimes did at the motorists who cut him up , she began to pace up and down the red-tiled kitchen .
26 She flicked her head in the direction of the card .
27 ‘ Tell her to stuff her head in the oven . ’
28 With an ecstatic sigh of deep happiness Laura nestled her head in the hollow of his broad shoulder , only his low , mocking laugh managing to break through her state of utter bliss .
29 ‘ I could tell you a few tales about yon place , ’ she remarked , jerking her head in the direction of Dudley House .
30 She hit him and he held her head in the toilet bowl while eating tomatoes on toast .
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