Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] greater [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The peaks in the two English samples represent shrews and voles , while the greater size diversity from South Africa is produced by the greater diversity of insectivores and murid and cricetid rodents present in the South African environment .
2 It is important for large complex applications that current hyper-text practice involving the use of directed graph ( general network ) structures , inheritance hierarchies and object-oriented scripts be underpinned by a greater body of theory .
3 Like the woman in Telephone Directories his English accent , jarring to a Scot , is understood by the greater number of people , especially foreigners .
4 They succeed by a greater division of labour , with most volunteers carrying responsibility for generalist advice while referring complex work to a few specialists .
5 One way the model was altered was to assume that the mantle part of the lithosphere stretches by a greater amount than the crust during extension ( Fig. 4.17(B) ) .
6 If the acceptance of increased risk is rewarded by a greater return as predicted by the model then should be positive .
7 The consequences of this disparity are not completely offset by the greater efficiency of the NHS .
8 There was a gang of kids playing up on the embankment , just as Preston and William had , junior hangers-on , rookie spear carriers in the terrible Derek Sumter gang which had once ruled the neighbourhood , so far as was tolerated by the greater power of the nans .
9 Such ‘ Fahrradstrasse ’ are not created as a function of cyclist density , though some attempts have been made to funnel cross-town traffic along them to ensure that motorists are intimidated by the greater volume of cycle traffic .
10 The opinion of the child that morning , and of Timothy Gedge , was an opinion shared by the greater part of Dynmouth : there were the shreds of a traditional respect for his calling , and then impatience , occasionally contempt .
11 He was widely believed to have been interned in a labour camp in the mid-1930s ( a fate shared by the greater part of the clergy ) , and again for a year immediately after the Second World War , following military service .
12 This is evidenced by the greater time and effort devoted to the selection of schools by the Coordinating Team , by the absence of the link person role for Minor Project schools , and by the scale of the development implied by the larger sums involved .
13 His anxiety for her had been displaced by a greater worry — was that possible ?
14 The slightly lower figure for Stornoway may be caused by a greater tendency for cloud formation over the land to the west and south-west ( the sources of the prevailing winds ) , while exposed western coasts tend to have good sunshine records ( at sea level ) ( Green& Harding 1983 ) .
15 It was claimed that this was caused by the greater number of convictions , and the speed at which the increase took place , rather than from any perceptible changes in sentencing practice .
16 Yet all other bishoprics were surpassed by the greater monasteries — Glastonbury , Ely , Bury St Edmund 's , and St Augustine 's Canterbury .
17 The liberal-historians , on the other hand , whilst being generally more sceptical of the extent of permissiveness , nevertheless argue that 1960s Britain was characterised by a greater degree of freedom , the limited nature of which is nonetheless guaranteed by law .
18 was represented by a greater number of compositions , and certainly Lambe 's work was well known and widely circulated .
19 It is a fact of human personality that the argument which is supported by the greater weight of evidence does not always win the day ; people do not like to be proved wrong .
20 Chamberlain returned to Britain and publicly proclaimed ‘ Peace in our time ’ but he had by now realised that Hitler 's word could not be trusted , so he endeavoured to form an alliance with Russia against Germany , the fear of Communism being overcome by the greater fear of Nazi domination , However , Poland refused to agree to Russian troops having the right to cross Polish territory for the purpose of attacking Germany from the east , so an effective alliance was impracticable and Russia became isolated from that proposed pact .
21 The Easterhouse Entrepreneurship Programme is a demonstration project being promoted by the Greater Easterhouse Development Company .
22 ( Directed by a greater Light ) declare
23 Whilst this may be a mixed blessing because of pupils switching between schools , and different types of schools created by the greater choice .
24 Guy of Lusignan had been beaten by a greater man .
25 Once again British influence in Washington was enhanced by the greater weaknesses ( political and economic ) of the other leading European states , coupled with America 's lack of effective and reliable allies in the Middle and Far East .
26 Whilst the total number of holidays authorized increased by nearly 50 per cent over the period shown both Thomson and Intasun expanded by a greater proportion but with Intasun far outstripping Thomson 's growth .
27 Today , and at least in academic circles though not solely these , both of these uses have been developed by a greater use of social scientific theory and by more advanced statistical techniques .
28 The difference is explained by the greater likelihood of men having held pensionable jobs , both because full-time jobs held by men were more likely to have pension rights than women 's , and because , before the age of retirement , a majority of older women had either no paid job or a part-time job with no pension provision .
29 This fall in pregnancy rate has been explained by the greater use of contraceptives by teenagers , particularly those over sixteen .
30 The increased number of freemen need not , however , be explained by the greater attractions of town life .
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