Example sentences of "[verb] at a high level " in BNC.

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1 The incumbent 's output starts at a high level and gradually declines , whilst the entrants ' output starts low and gradually increases the more it discovers about the market .
2 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
3 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
4 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
5 He suggested that the Government were engineering or conniving at a high level of unemployment .
6 Journalists sought to divide universities into ‘ premier league ’ universities which would do research and teaching at a high level , and the others .
7 The only disturbance to the peace of this natural sanctuary occurred 120 years ago when a spectacular railway was laid at a high level across the head of the valley ; this apart , Dentdale today is very much as it was three centuries ago , happily free from modern developments and well content to remain so .
8 However , it appears that when the measurement both of the disorder and of the type of event are attempted at a high level of specificity , then more specific correlations are revealed .
9 Moreover it inevitably ran into difficulties and criticism in the early 1980s when the American economy was in serious trouble — with a steep rise in oil prices and no agreement on how to conserve energy , and with inflation , unemployment and interest rates all running at a high level .
10 ‘ Personal development is , we believe of key importance to ensure that motivation is always running at a high level .
11 So if there 's any er er erm thought that the er ombudsman complaints were running at a high level as far as this committee 's interest were concerned , I can confirm that that is n't in fact the case .
12 You are never far away from the decision-making in this kind of work , so you learn how to manage a whole range of areas and can be involved at a high level relatively quickly . ’
13 It is essential that RBGE continues to co-operate with these bodies , and that we are represented at a high level in those international bodies which are active in taxonomic database work
14 Moreover , at the beginning of such crises the production of consumer goods either remained at a high level or actually continued to increase .
15 Despite these difficulties , regional activities remained at a high level .
16 The need for flexibility also implies equipping the men with the best weapons , so R&D must be continued at a high level .
17 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five years to two in November last year .
18 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five to two years in November 1991 .
19 I have seen some fine players who compete at a high level bring in another line , between the service line and the baseline .
20 The decision as to how detailed a breakdown of costs is required is crucial and should only be taken at a high level in the management structure .
21 It should be based on or at least draw from coherent bodies of knowledge which go beyond mere skill and are capable of being explicated and taught at a high level .
22 Personal bankruptcies may also slow down because of the recent interest rate cuts but are expected to continue at a high level for some time , he said .
23 Recruitment clearly has to continue at a high level so as to maintain C&P 's scientific excellence [ and relevance ! ] .
24 As a result , genes underwriting the avoidance of incest remain at a high level in the population .
25 A new Technical Conservation , Research and Education group has been created to co-ordinate research and conservation skills developments , and ensure that our practical conservation standards remain at a high level .
26 Thus violence was sustained at a high level by American capitals ‘ first great offensive against labor ’ from the late-nineteenth century to the 1920s .
27 Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism ?
28 Exploration of the Dalradian of Scotland for both baryte and base metal mineralisation continued at a high level .
29 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
30 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
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