Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 First , it is appropriate for those working with a child to try to communicate at the right level ; this means introducing language structures with which the child is already familiar and trying to ensure that the content of conversations is appropriate to the child 's ability to understand and to her interests .
2 In any plausible way of forming Jupiter the hydrogen and helium are initially well mixed at a molecular level .
3 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
4 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
5 Finally , I have argued that urban sociology 's key concern is the division between everyday life being led in small-scale localities and the fact that social relations and processes are increasingly organised at a global level .
6 As social life becomes increasingly organised at a global level , the sphere of employment perhaps offers least prospect for the assertion of autonomy and personal identity .
7 But even though what was being contemplated was regionally restricted , it nevertheless went far beyond what these states , following the British line , had been willing to accept at the European level .
8 In Saunders 's view , the ‘ local state ’ can not simply be reduced to a functioning part of a national capitalist state , for within certain constraints ‘ non-capitalist interests can win at the local level in a way that is becoming increasingly difficult at national level ’ ( pp. 4 , 11 ) .
9 In spring , either dig up the shrub and replant at a deeper level , or mound soil round its base so that only the upper half of stems is exposed .
10 This task is approached at a general level , and also by reference to specific legal concepts .
11 Cultivation extends to about 600m , ending at a lower level on the colder north side of the island .
12 So it promises to bridge the gap that still in fact exists in many if not most organizations between what happens at the local and individual level and what 's happening at the corporate level .
13 Village elders voted at the lowest level instead of constituents and determined representatives to vote at the next highest level .
14 If we ask the acoustic front end to leave some of the labelling to lexical access it will do so with a vengeance since it has no way of knowing what dilemmas need resolving at the lexical level .
15 Apart from generalities relating to balanced inclined planes , one patent sought to protect details of the lift as a whole ; the second sought to protect the device of gradually reducing the gradient of the upper end of the incline to balance the apparent loss in weight of the descending tank as it became immersed at the lower level .
16 just as left handers are as a rule more variable in their hand preferences , so too are they less completely lateralised at the cerebral level .
17 If the matter really can not be resolved at an informal level , then it should be formally communicated in writing to the person in charge of the activity .
18 11 , has been a source of problems which perhaps have yet to be resolved at the highest level .
19 A UN military observer , Colonel Walter van Dijk , who was with the convoy when it was stopped at a police and army barricade in Serbia yesterday , said the fate of the convoy had been ‘ resolved at the highest level ’ .
20 That God is personal by being tri-personal , they would say , means that in God the activity which at the human level must be divided between separate individual selves can be contained at the divine level within one being .
21 Union leaders protested that while wages had been frozen at a low level , a freeze on prices could not be maintained because of the lack of government inspectors — a fear endorsed by Collor 's television appeal of Feb. 3 asking the general public to be watchdogs against price rises .
22 With rents normally frozen at an obsolete level , entry fines were either certain , or , if technically arbitrary at the will of the lord , required by custom to be reasonable , which amounted to much the same thing .
23 Spending would be frozen at the current level of BF99,000 million ( about US$3,240 million ) until 1995 .
24 We believe that your acquisition money should be frozen at the 1984 level . ’
25 The incumbent 's output starts at a high level and gradually declines , whilst the entrants ' output starts low and gradually increases the more it discovers about the market .
26 The same fate befell the likes of Alan Hudson , Rodney Marsh , Tony Currie and Charlie George — all of whom were discarded even before their qualities were allowed to flourish at the highest level .
27 Lind ( 1980 ) has looked at the microphenomenological level at which the unfolding identity of such perception occurs .
28 As Cixous suggests , the mode of knowledge as a politics of arrogation pivots at a theoretical level on the dialectic of the same and the other .
29 One notable effect the alternative social format contained lay in the assault upon the senses which occurred at a pragmatic level .
30 Moreover , if the goals of breadth and balance are to be achieved in the classroom they must be pursued at every other level of the system as well .
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