Example sentences of "[verb] not mean we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Cohen ( 1984 : 227 ) points out : ‘ by detachment I do not mean we have to distance ourselves emotionally ; that I think would be perverse .
2 Certainly we had been given dominion over them , but that did n't mean we had to go cramming their little corpses down our necks like there 's no tomorrow when soya beans and wheat mountains rise up from Mother Earth like a sign saying : Meat is Murter .
3 Just because of that one incident , it did n't mean we felt Chris 's point of view could never be valid again , ’ says Gedge .
4 I do n't mean we have been devious , just more structured , choosing the issues she is fighting on .
5 This does not mean we have to put ourselves down all the time : this would just be false humility , which is another subtle form of pride .
6 But he said ‘ that does n't mean we interrupt the negotiations .
7 Why , nothing is the answer to that one , ladies and gentlemen , although that does n't mean we 've got nothing to give away this week , no sir .
8 Why , nothing is the answer to that one , ladies and gentlemen , although that does n't mean we 've got nothing to give away this week , no sir .
9 ‘ But that does n't mean we do n't still retain our national idiosyncrasies .
10 But that does n't mean we have no homophobia here — just that it is rather more amorphous , more difficult to pinpoint .
11 That does n't mean we have to tell children every little embarrassing detail about ourselves .
12 We 're a little one-paced at the moment , so I want to raise the pace of the training sessions , although that does n't mean we have to bring in new blood quite yet ’ .
13 We are a third-rate rugby nation at present , but that does n't mean we have to stay third-rate ’ .
14 That does n't mean we have to go around in a great lather of gratitude all the time .
15 ‘ Just because we do n't faint or react the way you want does n't mean we have n't taken in everything you have said . ’
16 Does n't mean we have to start the burning and the exiling again . ’
17 Just because we have few formal complaints , it does n't mean we have n't got a problem , ’ said Stuart Gray .
18 We certainly do n't want to do without it if others have it , for fear of what we might be missing , but if we all gave it up — Mr Vansitart , because the human race has invented TV does n't mean we have to put up with it .
19 yeah but that 's that 's fair enough but that does n't mean we have to er
20 ‘ Just because we are independent of Rome does n't mean we have jettisoned the Bible , the creeds , the sacraments , the ministry .
21 That does n't mean we need stand still and watch when there is so much to be learned and copied .
22 The fact that Sam and I differed over this concept does n't mean we did n't work well together . ’
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