Example sentences of "[verb] you [modal v] [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 If er if there 's owt else you want to know you can always come in come in or I 'll come and see you either way .
2 Moved , Cecilia said , ‘ You know you can always come back to me to live , Tina .
3 There 's one kept saying , ‘ If there 's anything wrong , dear , you know you can always come to me to talk about it . ’
4 ‘ But when he ca n't carry you any longer , I do hope you will still come up here to visit us . ’
5 He kept on saying you would never come back again , and he was very kind to my family after father 's death .
6 Look , if you do n't mind a bit of running you could just come as far as the Tube with me and we could continue this conversation on the way .
7 I 'll probably forget you 'll probably come and get me .
8 I knew you would never come back !
9 I thought you would never come , ’ she said as Claudia stepped into a scene of such chaos that it seemed an impossibility they would be ready on time .
10 I thought you might even come round to the flat , and we 'd have a row , and then everything would be OK between us , but all you did was send back your clothes . ’
11 I thought you 'd likely come from her , to collect his bits and pieces .
12 I mean my dear , I said to Paul , Paul yesterday was was babbling on about if Karen would take him back and I said Paul I shall be extremely displeased if you ever leave this house to go back to Karen , you know o after only being with me for something like three or four weeks , I said you 'll never come back again I said I 'm not going to be messed about like that !
13 She said you can always come round here ?
14 ‘ I wish you 'd never come here .
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