Example sentences of "[verb] that at least [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where accurate values for the weights are available , or the weights can be reweighed , they suggest that at least one unit was in use , particularly in Kent , based on c .
2 Levy 's computations ignore the data from the sodium amytal test which suggest that at least some proportion of left handers have speech represented bilaterally .
3 There are a number of small-scale studies by researchers , such as Beatrix Campbell ( 1984 ) and Paul Willis ( 1984 ) , that suggest that at least some young unemployed teenage girls see childbearing both as a method of obtaining fulfilment and a purpose to life since the usual source , that of paid work , is not available to them , and also as the only means of obtaining a home of their own .
4 Although our results need to be replicated , they suggest that at least those patients with hypoxia and dyspnoea at rest get significant benefit from supplemental oxygen .
5 Coates adds that at least three Football League clubs do n't even have their own ground , much less illumination .
6 Or stuck in the back of an office , or , or could they have something sort of glossy like the half kingdom Tourist Board stars , that they can put on their windows , to let people know that at least that particular nursing home or whatever establishment it is , has been duly inspected by our Fire Services ?
7 It is worth noticing that at least one senior member of the Board of Education ( William Cleary , Head of the Elementary Branch ) had argued , as early as 1941 , against the tripartite system and in favour of comprehensive schools .
8 They provide that at least half the proceeds of surplus asset sales must go to reduce consumer bills and would affect the so-called ‘ K-factor ’ on which price rises are calculated .
9 The UV cross-linking experiments demonstrated that at least two factors are able to bind to the 80 bp fragment with molecular weights of approximately 90,000 and 30,000 daltons .
10 It is not so difficult , in these circumstances , to accept that at least one of the pilgrim-tellers should be represented as speaking through an incongruously feigned mouthpiece , in this case strengthening the antifeminist line of the tale by purporting to speak as a woman .
11 I get the feeling that I begin to know my way round , to know that at least most of the chess moves of it .
12 These clips are a triumph of form over content , and by the time you reach the four live songs that close this boxful of banging and shouting , it 's a relief to know that at least this is roughly what they 're really like when they 're not busy being hyperactive .
13 Thus the guidance given to governors by DES Circular 11/87 that , although it is expected that at least some sex education would be provided by the school , they have freedom to decide whether or not sex education should be offered should now be revised .
14 One might have expected that at least some of the Labour members would welcome this opportunity to save the airport entrusted to them , but it appears that the ordinary members are unable to use their right to vote in accordance with their wishes , however strongly held .
15 So though modem research has tended to discredit the idea of a medieval aristocracy ‘ of service ’ , to insist on blue blood for the great lines of the tenth and eleventh centuries , and to see in the later eleventh and the twelfth centuries an ever-sharper patrilineal descent obliterating other considerations in family history , it should not be forgotten that at least one great princely house was encouraged to view its progress in quite other terms .
16 , A Ukrainian physicist has claimed that at least 7,000 people involved in clean-up work following the accident had died of radiation sickness .
17 On the previous day the Democratic Party had claimed that at least 200 people had been arrested for their part in the previous week 's demonstrations .
18 With more than 4.3 million people registered for shares , ministers expect that at least one quarter of the entire flotation will be bought by small British investors .
19 With more than 4.3 million people registered for shares , ministers expect that at least one quarter of the entire flotation will be bought by small British investors .
20 I shall be brief because I realise that at least two other hon. Members wish to take part in the debate .
21 At least he would know then about Mark , realise that at least one person in this world knew him for what he really was .
22 Workers say that at least one employee has been dismissed from his job without compensation because of illness caused by pollution from the smelter which also processes arsenic , cadmium and lead — well known to have adverse effects .
23 But Mr Ahtisaari said that more recent checking , against the roll of Namibians who registered to vote in recent months , turned up 54 more names , and the mission expects to find that at least 20 others have been repatriated .
24 It was widely reported that at least five people had died during food riots in Tehran on Nov. 2 , 1989 .
25 Indonesian conservationists have reported that at least 1,000 orang-utangs have been smuggled from the country 's forests via Singapore to Taiwan , where they are popular as pets before they grow to adult size .
26 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
27 it is recommended that at least half the length of the palisades should be buried in the ground .
28 This assumption is not borne out by any evidence — after all , the dolphins have no perceivable technology — but it is fair to guess that at least some intelligent species will develop an advanced technology .
29 All Africa Press Service reported that at least 14 pro-democracy protestors in the capital , Lomé , had been killed by Togolese police on 25 January .
30 Police reported that at least six people died in a gun battle involving ANC and Inkatha supporters and police at Tembisa township on May 9 .
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