Example sentences of "[verb] for the [det] reason " in BNC.

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1 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
2 Scarlet had thrown away all her old aluminium pans since she had learned that they might cause Alzheimer 's disease , and she never used tap water for cooking for the same reason .
3 As a result , the council having declined to give an undertaking , the interlocutory injunction was discharged ; and your Lordships were informed that the interlocutory injunctions granted in about 100 other cases were likewise discharged for the same reason .
4 You believe we were attacked for the same reason and probably by the same person .
5 In March 1940 he was expelled from the Labour Party , and the University Labour Federation , which represented students of Labour sympathies , was disaffiliated for the same reason .
6 Where employees are concerned , a minimum of 2,000 has been used for the same reason .
7 Solutions ( 1 mM ) of olsalazine and colchicine ( 10 - 7 M ) were used for the same reason .
8 Health warnings on advertisements do not work for the same reason as health warnings on labels — they represent a token gesture which will have no material effect .
9 Another stock to advance for the same reasons was General Cinema , owner of Harcourt Brace .
10 Surface wiping above shoulder height should be avoided for the same reason .
11 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
12 In the C2 event which followed , Andriev/Haralambie of Romania were disqualified for the same reason , the win going to Papke/Spelly of Germany .
13 Armenia 's nuclear power station was closed in February 1989 because of earthquake fears , while construction of nuclear plants in Krasnodar and the Crimea had been terminated for the same reason , after popular protests and construction of several reactors of the Chernobyl type had also been halted .
14 Even more important was that the jungle habitat had been protected for the same reason .
15 At the start of NEP many of these papers collapsed for the same reasons that affected others .
16 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
17 And Eagle Star has been badly hit for the same reason ; their profits are down 170,000,000 to just 9,000,000 .
18 Any tail string which uses the divergent node number is also removed for the same reason .
19 Some authorities operate superannuation funds on behalf of their past and present employees and these fund accounts are often not consolidated for the same reason .
20 The clearer articulation of the broader conception of legitimate expectation which is evident in recent cases is to be welcomed for the same reason .
21 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
22 The same sort of approaches were adopted for cycling for the same reasons .
23 Notoriously strong , due to enforced national service , and generously funded for the same reason , French Army sides of the past have launched international careers like that of Eric Vergniol , who this year switched to rugby union .
24 Bert may have an action for breach of statutory duty but may fail for the same reason as Arthur .
25 Other strange weaponry can be seen in the males of some kinds of beetles , and the antlers of deer have evolved for the same reason .
26 This analysis is similar to that of shareholders ' funds and is required for the same reasons .
27 Fortunately the driver made up for this heresy by roundly cursing the French , whom he disliked for the same reason that most Englishmen do — the way they clutter up the place , never get out of the way and ca n't speak English .
28 He believed Everett had been murdered for the same reason Cunningham did .
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