Example sentences of "[verb] to [art] [det] thing " in BNC.

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1 In the early 1970s , in the heyday of abstract philosophy of education , it was commonplace to draw a distinction between education ‘ in the true sense ’ and pseudo-education ; or , which came to the same thing , between education and training .
2 ‘ I do n't know about that , but it came to the same thing , I suppose .
3 ‘ No , I 'm a scientist , but it amounts to the same thing . ’
4 ‘ It amounts to the same thing , surely ! ’
5 Any measure based on ratios ( or , what amounts to the same thing , differences in logs ) is to be preferred .
6 If you can afford a magic standard then you can use this to increase the leadership or add to your combat result which amounts to the same thing for the all important break test .
7 Users often report experiencing the sort of twisted non-Euclidian dimensions associated with the Old Ones , so it 's reasonable to assume that this is how Mait made contact with them , or with whatever race memory remains of them , which amounts to the same thing . ’
8 This last point does not necessarily mean that you have to be using a page description language but , for the moment at least , it amounts to the same thing .
9 Pure democracy has never worked : it works in a moderated form where there is a literacy qualification , or a property-owning qualification — which usually amounts to the same thing — and the voter is capable of making an informed judgement .
10 The lack of either standard or system amounts to the same thing .
11 The reason why ( 6 ) is perceived as if it was assignment is that the indefinitizing effect of the determiner means that the hearer is granted no more about the entity in post-copular position than : ( a ) The properties denoted by the noun used ; ( b ) The fact that it is an entity ; but the latter fact has already been given by the subject noun phrase ; hence the effect , with such a determiner , amounts to the same thing , in practice ( but not in terms of intensional pattern ) , as simple assignment .
12 Readers usually know something about authors whose books they have read , and even if they don " t know anything , it is natural to imagine an author figure , which amounts to the same thing .
13 In such cases the addition of organic matter , slag , or lime will be essential if the farming system is to be maintained without a drastic drop in fertility and production — or the breakdown of soil structure which ultimately leads to the same thing .
14 It is the most promising ‘ global language ’ candidate , or at least the most likely to permeate other languages so thoroughly as to amount to the same thing .
15 I would very much hope that other parents would not feel that they ought to be doing to the same thing , unless their circumstances were very similar .
16 I would very much hope that other parents would not feel that they ought to be doing to the same thing , unless their circumstances were very similar .
17 This is not very far from the belief that pleasure and happiness amount to the same thing — a belief with deep flaws , as we saw in an earlier chapter .
18 If this is the case , then means and ends amount to the same thing since the same moral demands apply to both in the quest for Truth .
19 When electrical currents flow they produce magnetic fields and so it is possible that these two therapies amount to the same thing .
20 In our society , such ritual celebrations of changes of status through ageing are now restricted to religious occasions like baptism , confirmation and burial , though ‘ coming-of-age ’ parties amount to the same thing .
21 Charges often amount to the same thing .
22 This happened once while I was at Binbrook , and we were all jailed for a week — well , con fined to our quarters , really , but it amounted to the same thing .
23 It amounted to the same thing for him .
24 Here there was room to have a dig at ‘ trade unionists … too , screaming abuse and interfering with others on their way to work ’ , alleging that excitement on picket lines and at rock films amounted to the same thing : ‘ These are all manifestations of the primitive herd instinct . ’
25 Every one of his books points to the same thing — unless we apply inhibition in our lives we will never be able to use intelligence in the way it was designed — to assist fulfilment .
26 This makes it possible to study subtle processes of coordination : for example , when words are repeated they are generally pronounced less clearly after the first time , but only if they are being used to refer to the same thing .
27 At once she thought : I could have taken two thousand , three — it would come to the same thing .
28 Three times eight or eight times times three does n't matter which way you do it , it 'd come to the same thing .
29 We may contrast with this the phrase semantic components , where the two interpretations are virtually indistinguishable ; it will be seen that this phrase will always come to the same thing in practical terms , whether we regard the components as being semantic , with ascriptive use of the adjective , or as components connected with semantics , taking the associative interpretation .
30 Although many sentences with this surface sequence will always come to the same thing pragmatically , whichever of the two constructions is assumed ( this is one of the features which can make careful syntactic analysis such a delicate matter ) , it is nonetheless possible to find some which are open to either syntactic interpretation but with a clear difference in meaning ; this will then help to throw the syntactic difference into relief .
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