Example sentences of "[verb] in a single [noun] " in BNC.

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1 • Calories , cholesterol , fats , protein and sodium counts in a single serving shown for every recipe .
2 Church and empire were fused in a single entity ; the empire was an image of the heavenly kingdom , its boundaries the limits of Christendom , the emperor the representative of divine authority in the world .
3 Even an estate worth upwards of £100 a year might well consist of no more than a couple of manors plus an assortment of lesser parcels , all located in a single county .
4 There are members of the European parliament who s s support Strasbourg as a meeting place clearly , but the majority do not , the majority want to meet in a single city and in so doing the majority have accepted that there should be a new European parliament building in Brussels and that European parliament building now operates .
5 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
6 Construction is let in a single design and build contract to the TML of which 40% ( including the terminals and approach roads ) is covered by a fixed price arrangement adjustable for inflation , 10% ( including the shuttle rolling stock ) by competitive tendering arrangements , and 50% ( tunnel construction ) by a target price arrangement .
7 If the implications of the examples surveyed in this chapter can be summarized in a single idea , it is that the medium of objectification matters .
8 Under the more inefficient system of the late nineteenth century , it was not unusual for over 2,000 cases to be reported in a single year .
9 This presents logistic problems , as the relevant immunohistochemical studies must be done on frozen sections , but positive results have been reported in a single case of latent coeliac disease detected during family studies in Finland .
10 These round beans , one from each berry , give a more even roast than the usual split beans and may be roasted in a single layer in a heavy frying pan over a moderate heat .
11 In other words , only certain discrete energies would be permitted , exactly as for an electron confined in a single atom .
12 The two tenancies may be contained in a single document ( Moss v Mobil Oil Co Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 EGLR 71 ) .
13 The scheme is an impressive realisation of the idea of combining uses within units contained in a single building — in this case , living space and craft/design studios .
14 His legacy as an artist is contained in a single novel , Homeboy , the tale of a charming , drug-addicted , dope-dealing , pimping , strip-show barker who finds salvation , gets the girl ( the whore with the heart of gold ) , and rides his motorcycle into the sunset and , presumably , a happy ending .
15 The Berlin Painter 's name-vase ( fig. 105 ) goes further still : two figures and an animal superposed and contained in a single complex but harmonious contour-line , a narrow strip of pattern below and an ivy-wreath between the handles above .
16 It soon became apparent that the whole report could not be considered in a single meeting and it was suggested that another meeting be arranged to continue with it .
17 The truth was revealed only by chance , when a journalist for the US magazine Sports Illustrated happened to be aboard a boat when it hauled up seven dead porpoises , caught in a single set .
18 The texts , he said , differed in a single paragraph .
19 Like most good theories , theirs integrates a great accumulation of evidence which , once presented in a single context , makes the theory seem almost self-evident .
20 And with tax , spending and borrowing decisions presented in a single statement the relationship between them will be much easier to understand . ’
21 But in order to bring management closer to tenants , we intend to reduce the limit on the number of properties transferred in a single batch .
22 The may maybe I just comment on that that last that last point , which as I understand it it the the justification for a new settlement is brought about solely by increasing the requirement for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , going through those figures there seems to me , for instance , for both Ryedale and Selby to be more provision than could be met in a single settlement , I I think the the figures put forward by Barton Willmore are more than can be met in existing allocations and a single new settlement of a reasonable size .
23 It was as if two distant times had suddenly met in a single second and two different women in a single gesture .
24 The needles shuttered in and out faster , glinting in a single bar of sunlight .
25 His polished performance for this film was shot in a single take , in just half an hour in Kensington Palace .
26 Small areas are best paved in a single colour using a simple design to avoid being over fussy .
27 The Parliament itself , staunch advocate since 1983 of a federal European Union , urged that the two concepts of EMU and Political Union should be merged in a single Treaty on European Union , and won the vital support of France and Germany , as well as of a majority of other countries .
28 Once the outlines for the pages have been set up using a system of ‘ style sheets ’ text and graphics are merged in a single operation .
29 The Left drew the less tenable if understandable conclusion that all socialists should unite in a single organization to oppose the threat of fascism , without placing any reliance on the British state to protect domestic political institutions .
30 I accept that it is conditional on the decision to participate in a single currency , but I hope that Conservative Members have noted that the necessity of an independent central bank to such a system is accepted by the Government and other member states .
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