Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] later [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fungus is rarely a primary invader of the fish , only occurring in the later stages of disease when fish are heavily infected by protozoa , flukes and bacteria .
2 ( A full review will be appearing in a later edition of EW + WW .
3 ( Berkeley was familiar with perspective machines , one of which he described in a later work . )
4 ‘ The Created God ’ described in a later chapter embraces all the needs and provides all the power .
5 We shall examine the difficulties they encountered in a later chapter ( pp. 354 ff . ) .
6 If the rotation is due to something having broken on the model , you have another problem which we will discuss in a later chapter .
7 Further information about admissions to individual faculties as well as general course descriptions are contained in the later faculty sections .
8 Some of his lengthy dissertations will be considered in a later chapter ( p. 101 ) ; short critical comments can be included here .
9 Some instances of modern statutory liability are considered in a later section of this chapter but a more generalised revival of the Rylands v. Fletcher idea is proposed in two modern law reform proposals .
10 This very important subject of the relationship between evolution and right and wrong , and its inevitable effect on the development of a viable meaning to the word ‘ god ’ , will be pursued in a later chapter .
11 The question of records and record-keeping will be addressed in a later section .
12 I 'm speaking here of the period of conventional warfare by the way , this is not the case with nuclear war as I shall show in a later lecture .
13 As we shall show in the later sections , a great deal of the activities of the fans can be understood as symbolic activities in the mode of metonymy .
14 Thus when it replaces an item at S ( subject ) and that item is written in a later place in the clause , an apposed clause is created .
15 The Symphony No 29 was written in the later part of 1773 .
16 The court held that the exemption clause , though it had been incorporated in the auction sales , had not been incorporated in the later sale by private treaty .
17 Felix and Adauctus , its walls are incorporated in the later palace .
18 When grown on strong , very fertile land , barley tends to lodge ; it is therefore grown in the later stages of a rotation when the fertility has been reduced .
19 The Interludium therefore occurs in a later copy than the extant copy of Dame Sirith , and since Dame Sirith contains details that are also found in the other European versions of the tale , such as the object of the clerk 's desires being a married woman , not a " girl " , it is regarded as impossible for Dame Sirith to be derived from the Interludium .
20 So , for example , when Barth came in a later volume of the Church Dogmatics to discuss the image of God in man , he did so in a fashion which led Brunner to assert that Barth had now changed his ground , and adopted Brunner 's own stance as developed in Nature and Grace .
21 A single sentence of more than about four lines puts unreasonable demands on your reader : Since Etherege ( writing in a later period than Wycherley and recognising a greater desire for a new " Man of Mode " ) recognises that love , sex and inheritance are still important considerations , which he also criticises , both playwrights can be said to expose hypocrisy rather than improve society , as heroes and heroines are constantly undermined by the contrasts created in the new social order and the codes of morality being set up which are both critical and celebratory .
22 This statement of the common purpose of conservation and sustainable economic development was adopted in the later UN report Our Common Future and is now the basic text for the UN Earth Summit to be held next June .
23 This practice can , however , be seen in a later context in the life of St Samson of Dol , the earliest version of which is a copy dating to c .
24 A general tendency towards making artillery lighter and more mobile can also be seen in the later decades of the century .
25 After her poem drew one in reply , Ella Wrote an article in prose in the next issue in which she put a point often made in the later period ( see Chapters 5 and 7 ) by women workers , and one which is central to the debate on women 's pay generally .
26 More will be said in a later chapter about the implications of Plantagenet representation in France at this level .
27 Supporting the family and carers who may not be able to go on giving the very demanding twenty-four hour care needed in the later stages of the illness .
28 Anti-Darwinian versions of evolutionism flourished in the later decades of the century because they upheld the view that natural development is a more orderly and more purposeful process than natural selection would allow .
29 As we shall see in a later section a woman aged 65 can expect to live for almost another 20 years .
30 As we shall see in a later section , these views are consistent with the current thinking of several British theorists on soccer spectator violence .
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