Example sentences of "[verb] have the [adj] effect " in BNC.

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1 There 's been a lot of doom and gloom spoken about ‘ the depressed market ’ , and certainly the fiscal policy of high interest rates has had the short-term effect that was intended .
2 Could it be that Octel 's handsomely presented claim that without lead alkyls the roads of ‘ most of the world would be very empty ’ has had the intended effect on one of our more propaganda resistant MPs ?
3 It obviously has had the opposite effect
4 Compliance with the EEC Directive , following pressure from the United States , has had the opposite effect to that intended ; it has significantly reduced protection in the United Kingdom .
5 The stern words and punishment seemed to have the desired effect .
6 ‘ It was an amazing first set and winning it gave me a big boost and seemed to have the opposite effect on David , ’ said Corsie later .
7 But it was now beginning to have the desired effect , as the newcomers started to participate .
8 In fact , their campaign and the probably well-founded suspicion that the result had been rigged had the opposite effect .
9 And major social reforms — the establishment of free trade unions or the redistribution of noble land — would have had the same effect .
10 Yesterday Capt Roy Beaumont , Loganair 's operations director , said that although the plane involved was an ATP , the down draught could have had the same effect on any aircraft coming in to land .
11 Although most of the adjustments Valuev proposed to the statutes of emancipation appeared to favour the gentry at the expense of the peasantry , one of them , the abolition of the peasant commune , might have had the opposite effect , and none of them was designed to turn the clock back .
12 What Mr Birchall noticed was that a diet lacking in silicon seems to have the same effect as one rich in aluminium .
13 Outside it , it seems to have the opposite effect .
14 In the late 1960s , Ceauşescu himself had called for a strengthening of the traditional family , but when that failed to have the desired effect of boosting the birth-rate , the regime reversed its direction from promoting old-fashioned morality as a stimulus to conception .
15 The February and October revolutions seem to have had the same effect on the Russian colonists as the expulsion of the British had on the American colonists in the eighteenth century — a removal of all restraint on the ambitions to despoil native lands and assets .
16 The brush-off seems to have had the desired effect .
17 At first , the Lord Chief Justice 's pronouncements appeared to have had the desired effect , as the average length of prison sentences imposed on males aged 17 and above for indictable offences fell in both the magistrates ' court and the Crown Court in the months following the cases of R. v.
18 Instead of the sunset raging a fire in them as Fernando had obviously intended , it had had the reverse effect — doused away a good deal of bitterness and left them with a certain sadness .
19 On this occasion the publicity or discussion in the town had had the beneficial effect that the first victim recognised the matter was being taken seriously and so reported the earlier incident .
20 The frequency with which controversial legislation is amended by Parliament itself ( as witness the Act of 1974 which was amended in 1975 as well as in 1976 ) indicates that legislation , after it has come into operation , may fail to have the beneficial effects which Parliament expected or may produce injurious results that Parliament did not anticipate .
21 Too often , however , such ideas may fail to have the desired effect because they are found to be ‘ inappropriate ’ in some way .
22 The amalgamation of properties would , perhaps , have had the greatest effect since the main purpose would have been economy of management .
23 Giant and inefficient marketing boards have had the opposite effect of their nominal purpose , and have further squeezed farmers ' margins .
24 And I 've come back years later and it 's had the same effect on me . ’
25 She looked at him blankly , conscious of the anticlimax that had brought her tumbling down from out of the clouds , then she nodded , while making an effort to convey the impression that his kiss had failed to have the slightest effect upon her .
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