Example sentences of "[verb] a hard time in " in BNC.

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1 1992 , 28 , 46 ) will have a hard time in industry .
2 The judge told Cranog Jones that his plan had been ingenious , but warned him that as a magistrate , he would have a hard time in prison .
3 That is left for members of the host community to do , as it busies itself ghettoizing the minority ; and as it ghettoizes it mumbles , and if you listen carefully you can just discern beneath the self-righteousness , the self-congratulation , the following : ‘ Okay , okay , so you were having a hard time in your own country .
4 Group Finance director Tim Allen said Amdega had a hard time in 1991 , along with most firms in the consumer market .
5 Independent film productions have a hard time in this country .
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