Example sentences of "[verb] the same basic [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both documents shared the same basic principles : education should divide at eleven ; it should be free in both primary and secondary stages ; and that the secondary stage should reflect the variety of abilities and aptitudes of the adolescent in institutional form .
2 Sixteen processor versions are also on their way , and longer term , HP is talking about 128 processor systems using the same basic architecture , that it will develop with its new partner Convex .
3 Er this is quite commonly accepted as er in use in many places and I think my our colleagues on the other side of the table have been using the same basic modelling methodology .
4 Here are two , more difficult figures drawn using the same basic methods of construction .
5 the design screen itself offers the same basic layout whatever design option you choose from the TYPE OF KNITTING menu .
6 This was considered revolutionary at the time it was written ( 1955 ) , but case study after case study elsewhere in the country now suggest the same basic pattern of large estates .
7 As the human mind matures the same basic insights will impose themselves on all .
8 Today 's worship contains the same basic ingredients in most Nonconformist churches , although there are usually some modifications to the accepted pattern .
9 The MIAOW says many things in many contexts , but it always has the same basic message , namely ‘ I require your immediate attention ’ .
10 The Pump Wagon is heavily constructed and has the same basic profile as a chariot .
11 The less skilled are more likely to assume that they understand the other person 's point of view and that the other person has the same basic information .
12 Almost always considered secondary to his poetry , Masefield 's fiction has the same basic theme , man 's search for beauty — in nature , in ideas and , often , in the ideal of womanhood .
13 ‘ Managers and employers tend to see [ external ] short courses and internal training as different but allied ways of meeting the same basic needs .
14 They all wear the same basic uniform .
15 An equivalent process , comprising the same basic elements of impact identification , impact quantification and judgements about the tolerability of the consequences , is offered by AEA through Consultancy Services to assist those involved in environmentally-based decision making .
16 The morning would follow the same basic pattern of reports and any necessary decisions being taken from the deliberations of our sub committees .
17 The three Gospels record the same basic outline of the words and deeds of Jesus .
18 Aware that Brando had enjoyed his 1979 comedy The In-Laws , Bergman reworked the same basic plot around the star 's mythic bulk , casting him as the manipulative mafia don Carmine Sabatini , who gives Broderick the job of minding a komodo dragon , and adopts him as one of the ‘ family ’ .
19 Early on , they imagined that all foster parents would be like them — not so rich perhaps , but sharing the same basic standards .
20 Parsytec intends to use the same basic design of a 1.6Gflop processing unit as a building block for systems executing up to 400Gflops. the largest computers on sale now can perform tens of Gflops .
21 If it is possible to use the same basic pattern for a number of guides , this has the advantage of both saving the librarian 's time and making it easier for the user to transfer search techniques from one discipline to another .
22 We will ensure that all schools teach the same basic subjects .
23 What many dealers would appreciate is software that can be used by virtually anyone yet produce the same basic results as a complicated program such as PageMaker .
24 Indeed part of the attraction of the picture of the world abolitionists presented , that is , a contribution to the success of their appeal , was that their world-view or ideology was capable of accommodating differences of emphasis and expression while recognisably having the same basic shape .
25 The rural charge-payers now pay more than the urban charge-payers since they pay the same basic charge plus the charge for Parish Council services , yet the provision of services by the Borough favours the urban areas .
26 The remaining readings in this section tackle the same basic question , about the quality of learning environments experienced by children in familial and extra-familial settings , but from a very different starting point .
27 Otherwise he follows the same basic procedure as the teacher ( see page 15 ) .
28 Again , attempts have been made to classify purrs into different types , but they all carry the same basic message of friendliness .
29 Like most butterflies they share the same basic life cycle .
30 But it is more likely that , while they provide reasons for different things , they share the same basic structure .
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