Example sentences of "[verb] be responsible for the " in BNC.

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1 As head of Radio 2 's music department for the last four years , Ms Line has been responsible for the blend of easy listening that makes up 80 per cent of its 24-hours-a-day output , along with presenters such as Derek Jameson and Jimmy Young .
2 At the University of Sheffield , Wood has been responsible for the design and development of a number of simulations of online services : FOSSILS , a simulation of DIALOG , BLAISERS a simulation of BLAISE MARC , MUTE-MEDLINE User Training Exercise and SSDC a simulation of SDC .
3 It was opened in 1985 by its owners , Tim and Kit Kemp , and it is Kit who has been responsible for the interior decor throughout .
4 WACC has been responsible for the conceptualisation of training programmes in ‘ alternative journalism ’ and has given the impetus for the implementation of a series of practical workshops .
5 Smith , N. Steen , R. Bennet and S. Crowe , has been responsible for the development on the right side of Walla Crag , producing a girdle traverse — Magical Mystery Tour , E4 6a — and a dozen other routes from E2 to E5 .
6 Fothergill , Gudgin , Kitson and Monk ( 1986 ) argue that one locational characteristic above all has been responsible for the relative decline of cities , and that is the problem of availability of land .
7 For the past two years she has been responsible for the rights department of Hachette 's children 's book imprints in Paris .
8 He has been managing director of LASMO North Sea for the last four years and has been responsible for the group 's activities in the UK and Netherlands .
9 At Lucas , 38 year old has been responsible for the creation of a global marketing and commercial function worth some £750 million .
10 Since April last year Historic Scotland has been responsible for the protection of historic wrecks within a 12-mile radius of Scotland .
11 That one 14-year-old has been responsible for the loss of cars to the value of £2.5 million in the last year alone .
12 ‘ But it has been responsible for the deaths of at least three good men and may cause the deaths of others , including our own . ’
13 Joining Rhenania in 1973 , he has been responsible for the company 's finance and accounts since 1976 .
14 The State Administration for Environmental Protection has made public the names of 3,000 businesses which it says are responsible for the lion 's share of China 's industrial pollution .
15 Leaders of ambulance crews argue that their industrial action , in protest at a 6.5 per cent pay offer , has exposed the lack of personnel which may have been responsible for the deaths .
16 Where there were departures from the common pattern special circumstances could often be identified which might have been responsible for the deviation .
17 When it came , the eruption was of massive proportions and deposited a great thickness of ash which completely buried the town , and it set off great tidal waves which may have been responsible for the termination of the Minoan civilization by ravaging the coastal towns all around Crete .
18 Government agents were suspected , but it was also realised that a freelance group could have been responsible for the killings .
19 Crash investigators believe fractured pins may have been responsible for the El Al cargo jet crash .
20 A police spokesman said a third car — believed to be a black Citroen — may have been responsible for the accident .
21 An itch of fascination at this utterly different , aberrant creature twisted within Lexandro , into rage — at the sly , inhuman intelligence which must have been responsible for the loss of those brave champions of Humanity who now lay lifeless in caskets .
22 The Gulf War may have been responsible for the postponement of the finals of the Head/Isrotel/Tennis World tournament , which were due to be staged at the end of 1990 , for one year , but it certainly did n't dampen the enjoyment of the 12 regional winners who eventually took off for Eliat at the end of November 1991 .
23 Which of these fish would have been responsible for the disappearance of my six Neon Tetras ?
24 We remain uninformed both about the now-extinct intermediates and the evolutionary processes that would have been responsible for the diversification of early multicellular animals into what we now perceive as distinct phyla , each with its own body plan .
25 The findings mean that , contrary to previous opinion , people of the same cultural background may have been responsible for the paintings at El Castillo and Niaux .
26 Chamberlain pointed out that the relationship between maturity and volume was not monotonic , with volume initially increasing , and then decreasing as delivery became imminent , and this may have been responsible for the positive relationship .
27 He may already have been responsible for the extinction of some 450 species .
28 ‘ They could have been responsible for the deaths of Cosmas and Damien , ’ I added .
29 Mujjaddedi had told media correspondents on May 31 that Hekmatyar 's men might have been responsible for the rocket attack on his aircraft on May 30 [ see p. 38915 ] .
30 The effect of a heavy physical workload was examined because epidemiological data suggest that this , and the associated high salt intake , may have been responsible for the high incidence of peptic ulceration early in the 20th century .
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