Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] the whole " in BNC.

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1 So Mrs so far has been hogging the whole show , is that right ?
2 It so happens that another growing tendency in contemporary thinking has been undermining the whole approach which leads to it .
3 Erm but the reality is that erm we would therefore need our budget to , in fact for the first half of this year , to have , well for the whole year , to have reflected the late delivery of the systems which would 've , if we 'd had that in the budget and we 'd been projecting the whole budget at say two point six , our budget figure would 've been somewhere in the region of another eighty to ninety thousand higher than it currently is for this first quarter .
4 This having been done the whole program is in x — IF/ALT , as required , after perhaps some renaming of bound variables .
5 Few apart from servants and those running retailing shops would have expected to have been employed the whole year through .
6 The overall intention of the Minoan priestesses seems to have been to house the whole pantheon in the Labyrinth , luring deities from their various shrines and sanctuaries in outlying areas .
7 When his case finally came up the evidence of the couple 's daughter , who had been watching the whole incident , was torn to shreds by Russell 's lawyer .
8 He was especially good at the end , when the aliens ( who have been monitoring the whole joke , helping Spunk out at awkward moments ) beam him back to BC .
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