Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] think for a " in BNC.

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1 I do not think for a moment that the Letter of Aristeas should be taken as a Festal Scroll , something like the Book of Esther , to be read in the Alexandrian synagogues every year on the day on which ( as we know from Philo ) the Alexandrian Jews commemorated the translation ( De vita Mosis 2.41 ) .
2 Naturally I did n't think for a minute that my life and spirit could stimulate her .
3 I did n't think for a minute that if we ever met again you would so bitterly slap it back in my face with no regard for my feelings . ’
4 ‘ When I got back and found your note I did n't think for a minute that it was because you thought I was the father of the child .
5 But do n't think for a moment that I 'm duped by my own little lies . ’
6 I 'd love to help her , and I know every one of us would ; but I do n't think for a moment that Miss Miggs would let us pay her fare , even if we could raise so much money . ’
7 Do n't think for a minute I 'm jealous .
8 It 's a frustrating affair though — do n't think for a second that you can breeze through this game ; think yourself lucky if you get past the first few levels !
9 I do n't think for a minute that I can work them out in movies .
10 And I do n't think for a moment that I 'm alone in feeling this way .
11 Do n't think for a moment that the women are all on the creative side of the business .
12 I do n't think for a minute we 'll have to . ’
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