Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] so far [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Roman Haubenstock-Ramati ( b. 1919 ) used to be a prominent name in a certain music publisher 's catalogue , but his music has not so far achieved wide circulation , or extensive recording .
2 Most of it happened thanks to tireless negotiations with opera houses , TV crews and recording companies in the west , but it has not so far turned out to be anything like a pact with the devil .
3 that this conference congratulates our Bolshevik comrades of Russia on their splendid efforts to bring about a general peace , and their unflinching opposition to the brigands of international capital , though we deplore the fact that their efforts to stir the workers of all the belligerents to revolutionary action has not so far met with success , yet we promise to do all in our power to awaken the proletariat of this country to class consciousness so that a speedy end may overtake the tyranny of capital .
4 The government has not so far given ground on Mozambique , and has insisted that it is committed to keeping its troops in Cambodia .
5 Disorder in the Chamber or the galleries — or even the blazoning of slogans — has not so far created the problems that some had feared .
6 Many materials have been produced for different languages by individual teachers : these have been shown to succeed in the very specific circumstances facing a particular teacher/author in his or her classroom , but it has not so far proved possible to generalise from the successes in terms of easily accessible materials usable by different teachers under differing circumstances .
7 it has not so far provided any really noticeable challenge to the Secretary of State 's views .
8 To the people of his little island , two miles long and three-quarters of a mile wide , ‘ Isle of Muck ’ fetched a tailor from the mainland twice a year and a blacksmith from the Isle of Eigg ( Johnson has not so far reflected upon the name of the laird of Eigg ) .
9 The absence of a clear candidate was likely to result in a land torn by dispute and , because Arjun had not so far named anyone , it was to men like Burun that the others looked for indication of a preference .
10 SAVE was now the owner of a building we had not so far gained access to .
11 One week there had been fifty fridge doors outside his office , another week forty or fifty bicycle frames , although Robert had not so far caught sight of a single chain , tyre , wheel or handlebar .
12 There was the imminent council to think of , and the fact , of which everyone was aware , that Bishop Malduin had not so far arrived to confirm his allegiance as promised .
13 Of course , it had n't so far done anything of the kind , and he had to arrive at the best thing to do in the circumstances .
14 The UNESCO Report could be a first step towards this but it needs international organizations like UNESCO and IFLA to take the action they have not so far done .
15 The Northern Ireland Act 1982 provides for the existing Assembly ( which lacks both legislative and executive powers ) to make proposals for the transfers to the Assembly of legislative and executive powers but such proposals must be such as to be ‘ likely to command widespread acceptance throughout the community ’ and although attempts are currently under way to evolve such proposals , they have not so far met with success .
16 In fact , the electoral effects of scare-stories about immigration and asylum may be one of the so-far unrecognised aspects of the campaign , partly because such stories have not so far featured prominently among the factors of mass-media coverage to which the Labour Party has attributed its own defeat .
17 The reason for this is , in my view , made clear in Lautro 's rule 7.3(1) , which I have not so far quoted .
18 As United Kingdom exports increase , there will be a multiplier effect on national income which we have not so far taken into account .
19 Among the works in the collection is The Raising of Lazarus by an artist I have not so far managed to trace : Euryl Stevens .
20 This should be translated : I personally , off the top of my head sitting in my study , never having visited the Arctic , never having seen a polar bear in the wild , and having been educated in classical literature and theology , have not so far managed to think of a reason why polar bears might benefit from being white .
21 Actions for damages ( as opposed to injunctions ) have not so far figured largely in litigation against individuals caused by industrial action ; the limits to union liability set by the 1982 Act are low in relation to the loss that may be suffered and the very large fines imposed for contempt by disobedience to injunctions have probably been a more powerful sanction .
22 Speadsheets have not so far figured largely as a resource for history , but they could be used with certain types of documentary sources .
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