Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] the former [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dalglish , whose side visit Southampton tomorrowsun , got his priorities right when he took on the former Luton and Wimbledon boss as his right-hand man soon after taking office just over a year ago .
2 The compounds , known as gamma linolenic acid ( GLA ) derivatives , are produced by a British-Canadian company , Scotia Pharmaceuticals , which six years ago took over the former fish drying factory at Callanish on the west coast of Lewis as its principal production unit .
3 Ealhfrith must have been about 20 years old at the time of the battle of the Winwaed , after which he became king of Deira , taking over the former territory of his cousin , Oethelwald .
4 The Russian side also indicated that Russia would not demand that Estonia should help to pay off the former USSR 's foreign debt .
5 But within days ( i ) a bill arrives for £2.5m to pay off the former DLO employees ; ( ii ) the borough treasury suddenly lights upon a £6.5m deficit left over from 1987-88 ; and ( iii ) up pop £21m of debt repayments , mostly the result of deferred-payment agreements — glorified hire purchase — entered into when Whitehall started rate-capping in the mid-1980s .
6 Argos , the high street catalogue shopping shop , is to take over the former Tesco Home and Wear store in Newborough , Scarborough , which closed five months ago .
7 I was explaining that we had fallen in need of a housekeeper and an under-butler at one and the same time and Miss Kenton had arrived — with unusually good references , I recall — to take up the former post .
8 Former White Hart Lane chairman Irving Scholar claims Venables often singled out the former England international for criticism over his defending and once tried to sell him .
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