Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] the back of " in BNC.

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1 Also hanging on the back of the door was the hot water-bottle that his Mum filled for him when he had tonsilitis .
2 He handed her her jacket , which had been hanging on the back of her chair .
3 Peering through the kitchen window she could see the remains of three breakfasts and her daughter 's new green coat hanging on the back of the kitchen door .
4 It was an effort to reach up for my dressing-gown which was hanging on the back of the door and I felt bitter against Richard because he did n't see that I was ill and come to help me .
5 He found her new white Christmas-present nightdress hanging on the back of the dressing-room door , and heaved her into it , then opened the bed , and pushed her between the sheets .
6 From the top drawer of her chest-of-drawers she took a pad and went to fetch her biro from the handbag hanging on the back of the door .
7 Just to see his silk dressing-gown hanging on the back of the door or his watch lying on the edge of the basin , stirred an unfathomable excitement in her .
8 Wrapping herself in the pink kimono hanging on the back of the bedroom door , she went softly down the stairs to the kitchen .
9 She sees her wig and familiar clothing , dry now , still hanging on the backs of chairs to one side of a dead fire .
10 The worst hazard of standing in that crowd was someone pissing down the back of your leg . ’
11 With singer Bradley acting out his Mozzer fantasies by lurching around on top of the monitors — only lacking a bunch of daffs stuffed down the back of his pants — their arrogance level has been hoisted a welcome couple of notches .
12 After he 'd found the half-burned counterfoil slips from the railway tickets stuffed down the back of the apartment 's disused fireplace , his next move had been to return to his Militia post and report that an anonymous source had given him some information on the whereabouts of Alina Petrovna , escapee from the prison hospital and probable murderer of the psychiatrist Belov .
13 Then he just wandered away , hands plunged down the back of his underpants with misery .
14 His nimble hands unbuttoned her coat , quested down the back of her skirt and stroked the cleavage where her buttocks divided .
15 Early visitors to Madeira and Porto Santo were rowed to the beach when the sea was calm and were then carried on the backs of boatmen who rolled up their trousers and waded ashore .
16 Passengers had perforce to ride , and goods were carried on the backs of packhorses or mules .
17 She added that to herself while , aloud , she elaborated , ‘ I was fishing for a coin that I 'd accidentally dropped down the back of the chair … and there was my passport and the rest of my stuff . ’
18 His jackets were hung on the backs of chairs , his triumphantly acquired groceries were stacked in the sitting-room , his cigar butts filled the ashtrays and his glasses had made rings on the surface of the poolside table .
19 Press it flat with the seam you have sewn down the back of the head of the puppet .
20 He waited , the hair crisping up the back of his head .
21 Half five in a morning , with the rain going down the back of your bleeding neck , the police set upon you by the owner and the manager , eh , that 'd liven 'em up .
22 I was getting ratty and the rain was going down the back of my neck .
23 When gannets are on the ground , you ca n't miss the yellowy orange band of colour on the top of their heads which reaches down the back of their necks , and the unusual blue-grey hue of the beaks and feet .
24 See there again we can come on here , and we can look down the back of .
25 Then the breakers were all astern and Terrie was coming round to starboard to motor up the back of the reef .
26 ‘ The one that goes up the back of Monument Hill . ’
27 He whipped up the back of her skirt , and kneaded the cheeks of her knickered bum with one enormous hand .
28 Cashmere sports jackets hung on the back of their chairs , insurance against an encounter with air-conditioning .
29 Mr Gillis was nick-named the Butcher because in summer he wore a white trilby hat which he hung on the back of the door of his tiny glass-walled office in the corridor just outside the gymnasium .
30 He fumbled about on the table , felt in the pockets of the odorous hawk-training jacket which hung on the back of the door , told his sister to try the cupboard .
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