Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] into [art] street " in BNC.

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1 She heard him picking his way carefully down the spiral staircase at the back of the tenement and stood by the window , looking down into the street .
2 Nuala crossed to the window and perched on the ledge looking down into the street below .
3 Would she grow up into a street urchin , plimsolls , no socks , grimy tee shirt , with a London accent grating on a nicely-brought-up ear ?
4 ‘ The church clock was striking ten as I came up into the street from Custom House Quay . ’
5 I slunk out into the street feeling like a prisoner on parole .
6 Street activities have increased by 60 per cent in Moabit and there is evidence elsewhere too of cafés , shops and restaurants spilling out into the street .
7 Turned out into the street , most of them , every morning — Cara knew well — while their mothers went to the mill , a ragged band of infant desperadoes , all under the magic age of nine when they too could be put out to labour .
8 When we spilled out into the street a few minutes later , it was in a kind of glow .
9 He went into the college hall , and registered himself for matriculation among a rowdy assembly of students younger than himself ; and came out into the street to find that it had started to rain .
10 The men finished the house and came out into the street .
11 The old grandma who was holding the girl 's hand looked across at him as he walked to the window to stare down into the street to watch for Eddie .
12 I had to walk out into the street to find my way home as if nothing had happened . ’
13 But he had to restrain himself from leaping up and switching the light off and peering out into the street from behind the curtains .
14 As darkness fell there was hardly a soul about , but just before 9pm it seemed the whole village poured out into the street , and there appeared two men carrying shoulder-high the most grotesque straw figure of a man , its eyes glowing in the darkness from torch bulbs hidden in its head .
15 So , I 'll now lift up the the curtain and look out into the street and see if there is any sign of them .
16 Seven years … but still every now and then one of them will suddenly run out into the street screaming . ’
17 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
18 She knew the Spanish liking for these little snacks and she stepped down into the street , a little surprised to find herself the focus of several pairs of eyes .
19 Downstairs smoke-rooms sent the odour of fine Havana leaf up into the street to mingle with the scent of fresh-roasted coffee or the exhaust of an occasional motorcar .
20 Corbett left that terrible shop without a word to Ranulf and Maltote , and walked out into the street off Faltour 's Lane .
21 I left two dollars and a half-eaten bacon sandwich on the table and walked out into the street .
22 The men exchanged glances and , apparently concluding that Koogan meant every word he said , stepped back into the street .
23 ‘ You and I might as well be getting back to Zimmerman 's , Richter , ’ said Moreau as they shuffled out into the street .
24 With a murmur of thanks to the portiera she stepped out into the street .
25 Concealing his pain as best he could , knowing the driver might pass on by if he thought the hailer was wounded , he stepped out into the street , and raised his hand to wave the driver down .
26 He joined his superior at the door , pulling up the collar of his jacket as they stepped out into the street .
27 The landlady , a woman in late middle age with a beehive hairdo and a face like fallen stone , gave no reaction , and Joe stepped out into the street and raised his arm for a taxi .
28 The entire audience rushed out into the street half-way through the performance of Death and the Maiden , when the auditorium began filling up with smoke .
29 Zeinab , who tended to see things in personal terms and who , having been brought up in her father 's house , had something of the great lady in her , took it into her head to protect her servants and rushed out into the street in a passion .
30 Agitated shopkeepers rushed out into the street when they saw the marchers approaching and tried to rescue their wares .
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