Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] to the kitchen " in BNC.

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1 It was perfectly possible to see how Billy could have vaulted the fence , got on to the kitchen roof via one of the barrels and from there on to the main roof and all the connecting ones down to Sunil 's house .
2 In no mood now to finish her work , she stalked along to the kitchen .
3 They 'd there 's a little back staircase that goes down to the kitchens — sorry , lad , galley !
4 Sarah was kept busy replenishing dishes , and every time she had to go down to the kitchen she was afraid of missing the Reverend Morey , but he appeared last of all .
5 Could that be when Wetherby left his room to go down to the kitchen ? ’
6 ‘ Would you like to go down to the kitchen now , Tobermory , ’ asked Lady Blemley politely , ‘ and see if the cook has got your dinner ready ? ’
7 She was always writing on little pieces of paper , which she kept in a locked drawer in her room , and every morning she got up surprisingly early to go down to the kitchen .
8 I wandered down to the kitchens where Wolsey 's chefs were busy creating subtleties , strange confectionery creations : towers and castles of sugar ready to launch their assault on valiant teeth .
9 Jessamy picked them up , wandered through to the kitchen and put them on the table .
10 She wandered through to the kitchen to get her bag , and checked through her notes for the name and address of the Rose Bowl 's usual wholesaler .
11 In the kind of yuppy apartment in which they lived , the chimpanzees would signal ‘ GO SINK ’ and head off to the kitchen sink .
12 She almost staggered back to the kitchen table and sat down and as she did so the kitchen clock struck nine .
13 They headed back to the kitchen .
14 Coffin fled back to the kitchen .
15 Iris stuck her fork in the earth and trundled off down the garden with her barrow while Melissa went indoors , reported her problem to the telephone engineers and wandered back to the kitchen .
16 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
17 We were woken up at 5.30 am , and Alex and I were told to go over to the kitchens to fetch the breakfast .
18 Theodora followed the hair-cord runner down the middle of the dark hall to a door behind the staircase which led through to the kitchen .
19 At the other-end of the room , which later proved to lead out to the kitchen and other domestic offices , was a small two-barred electric fire .
20 The attendant , now adding a sulk to his sullenness , had shuffled off to the kitchen area .
21 Charity exchanged a few pleasantries , then , at a look from her mother , excused herself to go off to the kitchen , leaving Leonora alone with Mrs Vaughan .
22 What with the doctor going straight out and the deceased going down to the kitchen to thank both staff for a very good meal there was n't time — even if she took it herself , which is unlikely from all I hear . ’
23 ‘ I 'm going in to the kitchen to see how Mrs Porter 's getting on , ’ Belinda announced firmly , cutting off Tom 's words .
24 Run along to the kitchen and ask Mrs Geary if she has some bread-soda with a bit of fizz in it — we shall have fun , sha n't we ?
25 She trotted along to the kitchen , but when she reached it , she stopped and listened carefully before opening the door .
26 Going through to the kitchen , she made herself a hot drink , and carried it into the room where the fire was at last beginning to heat up the air a little .
27 When they stopped , in blackness and silence , before the steps that led up to the kitchen door , the only door anyone ever used at Trelorne , Murphy wanted to accompany her inside .
28 Henry rushed through to the kitchen , poured the dynercaprol and potassium chloride into a small glass of water and hurried back to Donald .
29 She capped the antiseptic , then walked through to the kitchen and dropped the cotton wool into the bin .
30 I shook my head , and she smiled and nodded and patted me on the shoulder and padded off to the kitchen .
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