Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] the truth " in BNC.

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1 Well , these days I can reach the highest shelves of the house library , and walk into Porteneil to visit the one there , so I can check up on anything my father says , and he has to tell me the truth .
2 ‘ I want to tell you the truth .
3 I do n't know to tell you the truth
4 I wanted to give her time to think over what harm it would do to tell me the truth .
5 You 've got to tell them the truth ! ’
6 ‘ Jacqui , you 've got to tell me the truth .
7 He sat back down next to her , but he still did n't look at her , and she had a sinking feeling that he really was going to tell her the truth about Nicole , but it would not be to her liking .
8 Nevertheless , I am going to tell you the truth .
9 To this he answered ‘ Daphne , I respect you very much , and I respect your husband very much , and because of this I am going to tell you the truth .
10 ‘ I 'm going to tell you the truth .
11 Erm I do n't know where to start to tell you the truth .
12 Marvellous how it was run to tell you the truth .
13 Do n't really do n't really care to tell you the truth in a way but
14 In terms of prospecting , I usually do the training exhibition at the N E C every July , er , in eighty six , a man came onto my stand and we chatted for half an hour , he then said to tell you the truth I 'm not interested now , but I will be interested next May .
15 And while she longed to tell him the truth , she dared not do so .
16 And erm and Miss asked why we were n't friends any more and we goes well she lied and you know , she splits up most people by doing that cos they were trying to tell us the truth and we would n't listen .
17 ‘ I 'd be grateful if you could start to tell me the truth , ’ she said finally .
18 She had always intended to tell him the truth , but somehow the time was never right …
19 Well God knows to tell you the truth there .
20 Their eyes met for a split second , bleak green against ice-blue , and in that fleeting moment she wanted to tell him the truth , she wanted to explain , repaint the picture that had been mistakenly built up .
21 He wanted to tell her the truth , every known particle of it .
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