Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [art] same thing " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Still , I have seven mediums who appear to see the same thing , with variations , of course — seven people will always see an event differently .
2 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
3 ‘ Then you came into my life and tried to do the same thing !
4 The Czechoslovak voucher scheme , which will apportion shares in state enterprises to the general public , was received with scepticism by the Poles ( who want to do the same thing a different way ) and with disdain by the Hungarians ( who think state enterprises should simply be sold ) .
5 soc : And I suppose you 'd like more of the same so you can go on pinpointing variation and replicate the studies which have been done to show the same thing in different places , or maybe to include a few more explanatory variables in your statistical model ?
6 I would like to see the same thing happen to them . ’
7 Well Kerry 's going to do the same thing for twenty four .
8 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
9 For the er we 'd really like to do the same thing for the whole weapons system with Eurofighter also but the the premium that eurofighter might demand to cover the risk .
10 I would like to do the same thing to them
11 about law and the film business cos there 's loads of jobs to choose from , ba and you 've still got to do the same thing
12 I 've really had to work hard to get where I got to and when I fight a black guy , I know that he 's had to do the same thing , I think : ‘ Well , he 's had it as hard as me ’ and little zest goes out of your punching , I just want to beat him on points .
13 I was going to say the same thing .
14 Women 's sub also happened to say the same thing .
15 Often the two terms are used to mean the same thing .
16 In fact , you can just get on and off them a few times and they never seem to register the same thing twice !
17 I hate it when people cry , cos it makes me want to do the same thing .
18 As for advising someone else who might want to do the same thing as myself , I do n't know what to say .
19 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
20 Rupert Murdoch decided to do the same thing with The Times .
21 We do have occasions where we 're having to say the same thing er over and over again , because nothing very much has happened .
22 They , indeed , were the first animals to master flight and they did so some two hundred million years before birds managed to do the same thing .
23 Four years after a deaf , blind mentally handicapped woman was found dead in the squalor of her own home , a new register has been launched that hopes to stop the same thing ever happening again .
24 If I try to enter the same thing , it does n't work .
25 ‘ America is so big that bands are n't surrounded by other bands trying to do the same thing .
26 HP would know something about the exercise since it 's trying to do the same thing and the best it 's been able to come up with is the diskless 16Mb 715/33 for $5,700 or 525Mb 715/33 for $7,400 .
27 Last night , Sam had tried to manipulate Clare , and now her grandmother was trying to do the same thing on his behalf .
28 As I say the present day er premier just now is actually trying to do the same thing as a repeat performance
29 and you 've got to try and get round them , oh god , there 's about six thousand trying to do the same thing .
30 You 're trying to do the same thing but whereas in feudal exploitation
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