Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] eyes from the " in BNC.

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1 Robyn queried awkwardly , averting her eyes from the feast of muscle , the dark , dark hair that travelled from his chest down and down …
2 She shivered as a stray gust of wind whistled around the corner of a side-street , averting her eyes from the shadows cast by the encroaching house frontages .
3 Hastily averting her eyes from the strong arched column of his tanned throat as he emptied his glass , she retraced her steps to the kitchen .
4 A puggaree of Indian cotton hung from the back of his hat , to protect his neck from the sun ; a brown veil shielded his eyes from the snow ; a whistle hung from his button-hole . ’
5 She was obviously under the influence of drugs , booze or both and as we approached , typically averting our eyes from the embarrassing spectacle , a girl of about 11 wiped a candle of yellow mucus from the woman 's nose and resignedly helped her to her feet , staring at us with old , resentful eyes as we passed , reminding me of myself and the Saturday afternoon rescue missions .
6 Doctor Staples lifted his eyes from the chart .
7 The lawyer never spoke to anyone , never smiled and never lifted his eyes from the innumerable papers he seemed to be reading through his monocle .
8 After a moment he lifted his eyes from the books , leaned forward and spoke in a lowered voice .
9 She was about to put the binoculars down ashamedly when he lifted his eyes from the paper .
10 A rough horseblanket rubbed against my chin and a lacy canopy of cow parsley shaded my eyes from the bright light .
11 He thought of the flares bursting like orange plums in the soot-black night , illuminating the trucks , the humped tanks , the upflung arms of waking men shielding their eyes from the glare .
12 Stella tiptoed from the proscenium arch , shielding her eyes from the glare of the footlights .
13 Shielding his eyes from the glare , Bash looked on as the craft continued its slow descent , coming to rest in a field outside the barbarian 's hut .
14 Sixteen thousand people watched an astonishing scene as Johnson was knocked to the canvas in the twenty-sixth round and made no attempt to regain his feet , merely shielding his eyes from the sun .
15 ‘ I did n't expect her to have a gun , ’ said Brian Kellerman , peering at the cottage , shielding his eyes from the driving rain .
16 Loppe turned his eyes from the victorious , the vibrant , the magnificent figure and looked instead towards the chill , battered walls of Famagusta .
17 Tom turned his eyes from the paper and started singing the song from Don Giovanni that is always called the Champagne Aria .
18 He came over to the bed , holding up his hand to shade his eyes from the bedside light , and peering almost comically close , so that Tessa could smell the whisky on his breath .
19 In a medieval woodcut , a wistful Eve averts her eyes from the scene .
20 With an effort , Ruth raised her eyes from the river ; she felt half drowned in it already .
21 Izzie raised her eyes from the ground and looked , long and silent , at her father , then replied to the Mason , ‘ He has no money .
22 And try as she might she could not detach her eyes from the object on the table that had so totally winded her .
23 ‘ I 've coloured hair lots of times , ’ Mandy muttered , not removing her eyes from the binoculars she had screwed into them .
24 He raised his eyes from the pattern and stared a long time at my friend and I — the only two white people on the journey .
25 Grégoire raised his eyes from the floor to Louise 's face : ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ he said , in a flat voice .
26 He raised his eyes from the page .
27 He raised his eyes from the paperwork on his desk and leant back in the chair , a lazy grin on his face .
28 Fukuyama averts his eyes from the poor , and fears no real threat to the permanent triumph of consumer capitalist society except nostalgia and boredom .
29 Over the next few afternoons Mrs Phelps could hardly take her eyes from the small girl sitting for hour after hour in the big armchair at the far end of the room with the book on her lap .
30 Bernice could n't take her eyes from the tall woman , and realized that her companions , too , must have been staring .
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