Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] eyes [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , ’ I sighed , opening my eyes as a series of splashes announced another chaotic event on the spillway .
2 I gulped , and fixed my eyes on the blood-red pen on the desk .
3 She strained her eyes into the broken circle of darkness , and a breath of ancient tension and fear seemed to issue chillingly from the hole the river had torn in history .
4 She was not grief-stricken the way she had been when her father died , but sorrow was a weight which kept her from opening her eyes on a world where she would sorely miss his company .
5 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
6 She did not resist , but narrowed her eyes at the children .
7 It was still early , as she could tell from the light filtering through her curtains , and she narrowed her eyes at the sight of a cross Dana , who was obviously prepared to shake her again .
8 The girl in the Chinese house-coat narrowed her eyes upon the central figure in the tableau before her , and the supple lines of her face sharpened into crystal , and lost their smiling gaiety .
9 Her mind was floating over turquoise waves and she narrowed her eyes against an ocean that sparkled silver all the way to the horizon .
10 ‘ That 's what I thought , ’ Dana said , mopping her eyes with a corner of the towel .
11 Rose ignored her , keeping her eyes on the rattling carriage , holding herself in a permanent half crouch , like a sprinter at the starting post .
12 My blaster , ’ she said , backing towards a wall and keeping her eyes on the widening gap between the doors .
13 Swallowing hard , she crawled once more under the rail and inched forward , keeping her eyes on the ground as she went .
14 She opened the door , keeping her eyes on the patch of darkness beyond the lamp .
15 There are suggestions the duo already has its eyes on a French food business .
16 Furthermore , British Rail has its eyes on the Bankside site for bringing up the spoil from the tunnel for Channel traffic which it is , so absurdly , driving under the middle of London at astronomical cost .
17 She would like to qualify as a lawyer , while Lynlea has her eyes on a medical career .
18 Dana dabbed her eyes with a fine lace handkerchief , careful not to smudge her eye make-up , Claudia noted with indulgence .
19 Viola Machin , nevertheless , seemed impervious to it : she stood in bosomy grief , in a becoming coat of umber shade , dabbing her eyes at the pathetic bits of the service ; Desmond , in a heavy black coat , managed only an insurance agent 's decorous grief ; and Hilary looked as if cheerfulness might keep breaking through — which would probably , after all , be what Hilda would have liked most .
20 She fixed her eyes on the street in an attempt to calm herself .
21 She fixed her eyes on the jagged line of rocks to which she had to climb .
22 She stepped up to his desk , as he continued flicking through some papers , and fixed her eyes on the top of his arrogant head .
23 Bracing her feet against the Angharad 's deck , she fixed her eyes on the grey smudge of land in the distance , willing it to come nearer .
24 Robyn queried awkwardly , averting her eyes from the feast of muscle , the dark , dark hair that travelled from his chest down and down …
25 She shivered as a stray gust of wind whistled around the corner of a side-street , averting her eyes from the shadows cast by the encroaching house frontages .
26 Hastily averting her eyes from the strong arched column of his tanned throat as he emptied his glass , she retraced her steps to the kitchen .
27 From the clifftop he watched the small figure of Detective Furness in his red anorak on the saddle below , twisting from one side to another as he strained his eyes against the bright sunlight to search for his charge .
28 But , although Robert strained his eyes against the glass , he could see nothing but impenetrable blackness beyond the hectic yellows and reds cast by the candles .
29 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
30 With the relaxed detachment of a man who has an implicit trust in his technology , Vologsky cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments which made up the control panel , taking note of the few facts he actually needed to know .
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