Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the impression [that] " in BNC.

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1 Assorted pundits and government ministers have in recent times deliberately tried to create the impression that reducing interest rates is the main , or even the only , way to haul the British economy out of recession .
2 I.e. we want to create the impression that we are good people to do business with , so our customers come back and buy more of our books , so that makes more money for the company , which means they can pay us more money .
3 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
4 If Senna becomes champion , and to do it he must win in Japan and Australia , then Prost 's recent criticism of his treatment at the hands of Honda will immediately spring to mind regardless of a subsequent and rather naive document , signed by all sides and designed to give the impression that all is sweetness and light .
5 If someone starts to give the impression that it is our home and the residents are just people who come and live in it , then they usually do n't stay in the job , it 's as easy as that .
6 We understand they want to give the impression that the scope of the common desktop is well understood — but in the full knowledge that underneath , the details have not been fully worked out .
7 We understand they want to give the impression that the scope of the common desktop is well understood — but in the full knowledge that underneath , the details have not been fully worked out .
8 Such numbers , and the controversial circumstances of several of the shootings , have sent Mr Burgreen scrambling to give the impression that his department is not completely out of control .
9 Not wanting to give the impression that Leo might confide in her , she left it at that .
10 This seems to be pitching things a good deal too high , but the current London Film Festival , which continues until Sunday , tends to confirm the impression that 1989 has been a less than vintage year for the movies .
11 The general pattern of results tends to confirm the impression that the UK is relatively poorly placed in the EC ( in these data before the accession of Spain and Portugal ) .
12 The desperate image of both skins and punks has helped to create the impression that these subcultures are completely untouched by ‘ commercial ’ influences .
13 If witnesses have already given evidence at the magistrates ' court the Crown Prosecution Service might be persuaded to discuss the impression that they made .
14 People can not smell or touch each other , so new devices are needed to give the impression that people are in the room .
15 Ingleborough 's steep sides always manage to give the impression that the top of the hill has been sliced off ; when it 's cloaked in a mist cap , you can almost imagine a cone-shaped summit .
16 Exclusivism frequently occurs unintentionally but nevertheless effectively through the teaching of separate subject areas which tends to give the impression that they offer a complete explanation of something .
17 He said staff had to be aware of and attempt to neutralise the promotional tactics used to give the impression that health-care professionals endorse products , for example the provision of free pens , mugs and calendars with company logos .
18 We would not like to give the impression that Italy is all holiday resorts and art cities alone .
19 So I would n't like to give the impression that there are n't very many improvements that can sometimes be found erm that do n't involve that kind of fundamental change , I mean I think there many improvements of that kind .
20 I do n't want to give the impression that we often talked about Shanti 's origins ; we only did so when she obviously wanted to .
21 ‘ I certainly do n't want to give the impression that everyone who changed their mind is an adulterer .
22 But you do n't want to give the impression that our children are not .
23 I do n't want to give the impression that professionals are unhelpful at all .
24 On the other hand , you did n't want to give the impression that no-one was interested , thereby making him wonder just what exactly was wrong with you .
25 ‘ I do n't want to give the impression that booksellers demand exclusive rights to be able to sell the book .
26 I would n't want to give the impression that we Danes are anything less than hospitable to our guests — invited or not . ’
27 ‘ We do not want to give the impression that employees who have a drinking problem will lose their job , but rather that the Company is now in a position to help them without losing job security .
28 I do n't want to give the impression that 's a road that 'll never be flooded again .
29 With senior cabinet colleagues making discreetly plain their desire to enter the ERM as soon as practicable , the Prime Minister ceased to give the impression that she wants to add further conditions to those announced at the Madrid summit in June .
30 They often feel they know it all and tend to give the impression that they are ‘ experts ’ on blacks .
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