Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] towards the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( If you 're standing , you tend to fall towards the front rather than the back of the train now . )
2 The congress also agreed to work towards the establishment of a free market economy , with guarantees protecting private property and foreign investments .
3 This means that , if the tail of your model starts to swing towards the left , then the gyro must apply a correction which will make the tail move to the right .
4 Miners in Nottinghamshire and in the surrounding area want to work towards the future .
5 It makes no difference whether you want to fly towards the VOR beacon , or away from it .
6 Investment in plant and equipment is expected to slow towards the end of the year .
7 Finally , social services works out what it needs to pay towards the cost of the place .
8 It would then be up to the US and Canada to decide whether they want to face towards the Atlantic or Pacific — or be caught between two great trading oceans .
9 He followed Creed 's directions , leaving the road for an unpaved track that seemed to lead towards the ocean .
10 Whilst Kuhn maintains that science does progress in some sense , he is quite unambiguous in his denial that it can be said to progress towards the truth in any well-defined sense .
11 We were coming up to a twist in the precipitous road ; as we swung round it , the wheels screamed and we seemed to swerve towards the edge of the precipice .
12 Similarly , mothers of babies and children tend to look towards the experience and activities of those women whom they perceive as " successful " , " caring " and " attractive " in the maternal role .
13 At any moment Dick might begin to slide towards the quarry .
14 Immediately after discharge from hospital most patients have a recurrence of the anxiety which is a prominent feature of the early days after the attack and which tends to lessen towards the end of the hospital stay .
15 If the candidate seems settled in for the day stand up and help him/her with their coat , or begin to walk towards the door .
16 She turned to look towards the shore , relieved when she saw the Sea-Fret making good headway back to Brides Haven , then a flock of screaming gulls startled her into resuming her climb , and soon she was on the Neck and starting the last , steep push towards the plateau .
17 The body will begin to lower towards the ground .
18 I 've got to look towards the future , but I ca n't really see anything , not the way I feel .
19 Even as Greg turned to run towards the house , he seemed to register that Viola 's concern for Hilda was less genuine than her concern for Pimpernel .
20 Rose-pink blossoms darkening to crimson towards the centre .
21 Nearly a quarter of those in nursing homes had not had to pay towards the cost of living there compared with only 7 per cent of those in old people 's homes .
22 He suggested that there should be drawn up such an ideal optimum , and only then should the private sector be taken into account to see how the ‘ ideal ’ and the possible would diverge , but always attempting to push towards the ideal .
23 Only a few pages later Freud withdraws his connection between the ego instincts and the death aims of those instincts which seem to push towards the death of the organism .
24 The corollary of this is that new information tends to occur towards the end of the sentence .
25 Students tend to leave towards the end of the season in order to take a vacation before returning to college ; but it is not only amongst this group that turnover levels are high .
26 The twins also began to see towards the end of the book that Piggy was very clever and started to show him some respect .
27 It began to burrow towards the factory .
28 The lights came on again , and , laughing and jostling , the guests began to stream towards the door .
29 Enterprise zones originated in a number of ideas that began to amalgamate towards the end of the 1970s .
30 From the early 1940s , the Irish government began to work towards the introduction of a comprehensive health service for mothers and children in line with other legislative developments in Western countries .
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