Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pron] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 'll wait until you come round , and then decide what to do .
2 say if you come back and they 've said , they 're
3 Ca n't wait till they come back over here .
4 oh no , oh , no your dad 'll wait till you come back
5 I 'll wait till you come back .
6 I 'll wait till you come back .
7 I says I 'm gon na stop with me father and they said well , we 're sorry to lose you but we know this trade 's know good to you and we hope that you 'll stay with your dad and , well I did , I stayed with me dad until , as I say after I come out of the army and they would n't let me increase me coal trade .
8 Do you know as you come in to Salisbury and you have to keep going on with the traffic , then it leads up to the bridge where the wa , where the river is .
9 New E number substances may be added as they come along , the records themselves may be edited , and a personal history of the observed response of various people , perhaps members of your family , may be added .
10 As Daddy says once they come out they do n't join onto another .
11 and er , so I used to , I started again and then I did n't smoke until I come out of ho , when I come out , I did n't smoke
12 Wait till they come down from Glen Lyon . ’
13 ‘ I 'll canter him for a bit , then wait till you come up for your turn . ’
14 You wait till you come off . ’
15 Stop while we come back .
16 So you come up behind it so that your body and the striker 's ball , that being your red ball and the other ball , the object ball are always the same straight line I mean it does n't matter whether you come in from the side you 're walking up to it in a straight line put your mallet down , swing it through .
17 when , he says when they come down he said it 's loadened with all our stuff !
18 And that only kills when they come out .
19 ‘ Lavinia , what do we do when we come back from the littlest room ?
20 A solution of Jeyes fluid diluted to the manufacturers ' instructions can be sprinkled on the floor when needed , or you could try Stable Boy — crystals from a volcanic rock called zeolite that are said to absorb damp and help horses who normally cough when they come out of their boxes or start work .
21 Yeah but what happens when you come down the other end ?
22 Cos we might feel when we come out there we 'll look at the turkey , might go for a walk or go
23 A white van came , chap got out , you know , I never sh I di I did n't look to see if he come back .
24 " I say , d' you mind if we come in .
25 ‘ Do you mind if I come in ? ’ she asked vaguely … ’
26 ‘ As you just pointed out so succinctly , I am early , so would you mind if I come in and wait ? ’
27 ‘ D' you mind if I come along ? ’
28 Would you mind if I come back on to that later ?
29 Do you mind if I come back to you on that one ?
30 I 'm not going if you come up .
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