Example sentences of "[verb] [vb mod] lead [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , Bottoms sees the central power of the British state as having become more absolute in recent years , which part two of law one says should lead to harsher punishment .
2 The group has ploughed back £31m into the business over the last six months which boss John Roberts says should lead to further improvements in services .
3 He also expressed the fear , however , that the very widespread and intense national feeling which the war had revealed might lead in some circumstances to what he called ‘ social imperialism ’ : the imperialism of a whole people .
4 People sometimes fear that taking turns to listen will lead to long conversations .
5 Pressure tactics Persistent , non-relenting demands plus threats that failure to comply could lead to negative consequences .
6 This attack will re-awaken criticism over the army 's decision to issue service personnel with UK civilian style number plates ; a scheme intended to offer extra protection , but which critics claimed would lead to civilian casualties .
7 But so long as the three conditions expressed in the speech of my noble and learned friend are understood and observed , I do not , for my part , consider that the relaxation of the rule which he has proposed will lead to any significant increase in the cost of litigation or in the burden of research required to be undertaken by legal advisers .
8 It argues that the stricter probation conditions proposed will lead to more breaches of the orders , and at present a large proportion of those who breach go straight to prison .
9 Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences .
10 Lady Thatcher , who has criticised the Prime Minister 's cautious stance on the war , said failure to make it clear that Serb aggression would not be allowed to succeed would lead to more bloodshed in Bosnia and possibly elsewhere .
11 Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing which they claim will lead to greater stress among pupils and parents and will carry implications of failure .
12 While the above arguments suggest that the link between payment of the domestic rates and services received will lead to greater expenditure , it should be noted that domestic rates are one of the more obvious and most easily perceived of all taxes .
13 The manner in which the interview data is subsequently classified and processed may lead to other kinds of distortion .
14 There may be time for hobbies or interests , either life-long ones where skills can be renewed and activities expanded , or new ones where opportunities to learn can lead to great personal satisfaction .
15 This is in a sense unavoidable , but inevitably the flexibility that must be allowed can lead to varying opinions .
16 Responding to the Prime Minister 's speech , PPP leader Benazir Bhutto said that " his proposals contain some good points , which if implemented could lead to social reforms and improvement " .
17 The delegation 's visit had been arranged under UN auspices , as part of a process which Indonesia hoped would lead to international acceptance of its annexation , and Indonesian forces had reportedly intensified their anti-guerrilla activities in October in anticipation of its arrival .
18 Patent drug prices have been under intense scrutiny in Canada since 1987 when parliament approved an extension to the patent act that critics warned would lead to higher drug prices .
19 The study highlighted the themes of the high cost of energy as a major problem for consumers ; their ignorance of the true effect of existing and potential energy saving measures , and available ( but unpublicised ) credit facilities ; and their belief that any energy savings achieved will lead to high fuel prices .
20 Lower inflation and a stable climate for industry to plan and prosper will lead to long-term prosperity .
21 It was shown on page 195 that knowing how frequently a record is accessed can lead to reduced seek times .
22 We believe that everything that is now beginning to happen can lead to that result , provided that there is good will on all sides .
23 The branch manager jobs are said to be going as part of a reorganisation which BIFU believes will lead to more job losses .
24 But it is not always easy to decide which is the more appropriate , nor how the two ways mentioned can lead to other versions .
25 Their system of working can lead to extraordinary scenes .
26 The changeable weather that November brings can lead to misty conditions , especially in the valleys .
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