Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [art] present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 MAX : Stop using the present tense .
2 By this time , the trade was completely unionized , and the existence of the women 's section of the union gave the group a certain coherence and identity ; so much so that to avoid overloading the present chapter , the union 's creation and activity is discussed in Chapter 7 .
3 In 1903 a German syndicate began building the present sanatorium and the Hospital of Marmeleiros .
4 Cites officials maintain that a complete ban will not work and suggest strengthening the present control system through a variety of measures : controls on worked ivory ; regulation of domestic manufacturing and retail industries ; the registration of dealers ; and greater trade analysis and monitoring .
5 The White Paper proposes splitting the present Lothian Region three ways :
6 To avoid such a catastrophe they offer IBM a 12 point set of minimum recommendations , which include replacing the present leadership with ‘ technically current ’ managers and board members raided from younger companies , be tougher on salaries and golden handshakes , slow investment on traditional systems , give its semiconductor business complete perestroika , stop losing money on PCs or stop making them , and commercialise more of its research .
7 Readiness to learn can be seen as the possession of learning at lower levels of the hierarchy , necessary to begin learning the present task .
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