Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] support for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does not the hon. Gentleman recognise that opinion poll after opinion poll in Scotland has shown support for the quest of the Scottish Constitutional Convention for a Scottish Parliament ?
2 Labour contender Ashok Kumar has expressed support for a junior doctors ' campaign for shorter working hours .
3 can I just just pursue that you said said so the if you embarked on another scenario , and you said that the only way in which extra over , that beyond the figure proposed by the County Council , would be by way of a new settlement , I 'm sort of transgressing my own ground rules here , I know that Ryedale has expressed support for the principle of a new settlement , are you saying that you would be looking for a new settlement , possibly in Ryedale ?
4 While environmental groups have over the years been highly critical of pollution caused by coal-fired power stations , in particular the levels of emissions of sulphur dioxide and other gases that cause acid rain , neither Friends of the Earth nor Greenpeace nor other groups has expressed support for the scaling down of the coal industry along the lines proposed by the government .
5 The National Heritage Minister , David Mellor , has expressed support for the project , along with surviving codebreakers .
6 The Left had fought against fascism since 1933 and had organized support for the Spanish Republican armies since I 936 .
7 Matthei had welcomed the Rettig human rights report in March and had offered support for the government 's policy of national reconciliation [ see p. 38095 ] .
8 Liberian accusations to the effect that the Côte d'Ivoire government had provided support for the rebels put a strain on relations between the two countries , the Liberian ambassador in Abidjan being withdrawn " for consultations " in early January .
9 The government was , also , committed to a private sector as , in its manifesto , it had pledged support for the small businessman , of whom there were many in Chile .
10 Christon Tembo and three other officers accused of high treason [ for start of trial in November 1989 see p. 37142 ] , an Army officer giving evidence as a state witness claimed that President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe had pledged support for the plotters before their planned coup attempt in October 1988 [ see p. 36264 ] .
11 The Belorussian president , Nikolai Dementei , who had expressed support for the coup , resigned on 25 August , and the republican parliament voted shortly afterwards in favour of the ‘ political and economic independence of Belorussia ’ .
12 The viability of the buy-back option was thought to be dependent on the availability of new loans especially from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , both of which had expressed support for the agreement , and also from the Japanese Export-Import Bank and the Spanish government .
13 Byelorussia 's President , Nikolai Dementei , who had expressed support for the coup , resigned on Aug. 25 , and the Supreme Soviet voted to declare " the political and economic independence of Byelorussia " .
14 ( The Iraqi News Agency was quoted as reporting on Aug. 3 that Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid , at a meeting with the Iraqi and Yemeni delegations in Istanbul on Aug. 3 , had expressed support for the ending of the blockade . )
15 In August the KKE had expressed support for the attempted coup against Soviet President Gorbachev , and Papariga now declared that the process of perestroika " which has been presented as the political restructuring of socialism , is in fact a most savage … restoration of capitalism " .
16 A team of researchers at Aberdeen University have received support for a three year study of Scottish soccer fan behaviour .
17 In the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe the ending of the Cold War and the subsequent loss of central government authority have generated support for the claims of ethno-cultural nationalist movements .
18 Some Tory MPs have canvassed support for a swap involving Mr Lamont and Home Secretary Kenneth Clark .
19 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
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