Example sentences of "[verb] [det] at the moment " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure I could find him now , but I have made a vow that I am not going to tell anyone where he is , for the man is innocent and has no hope of proving that at the moment .
2 Because we seem to like that at the moment do n't we ?
3 They wo n't need that at the moment .
4 ‘ I do n't need this at the moment , Mum , I 've had a terrible night .
5 Oh , well , I mean I really did n't need this at the moment with daddy coming in and everything . .
6 The demand for another tv series has exceded the number of books Dexter has written so far , though he is writing another at the moment .
7 I I suspect neither at the moment do the er do the National Rivers Authority or or or the water authority .
8 Obviously you have n't got that at the moment , you 've got this lot like that .
9 Well , cos I 'm a bit I ai n't got much at the moment , I 'll have hundred pound on
10 Er we do make our own ink , we have n't got any at the moment .
11 Erm , I do n't think we 've got any at the moment cos mum 's just gone to the shops What do you want for tea Lisa ?
12 I know you do n't want to do that at the moment , since it would be tantamount to forcing liquidation .
13 Because of that the reactors had to undergo a licensing procedure from Nuclear , Now that survey , which they have been carrying out for a number of months now , almost certainly would require that a number of major improvements be made to those reactors , and they just have n't got the money to do that at the moment .
14 They 're not moving much at the moment .
15 and we 'll catch it early and so I have n't been , sort of , saying to myself ooh I 've lost some weight , I 'll try to lose more at the moment I 'm not worrying too much about what I eat
16 No , look , I , I do n't really feel like doing this at the moment .
17 and we 've earmarked that at the moment .
18 Well , we already do that at the moment , trying to assess a myriad of individual benefits with people filling up forms and sending them all over the country .
19 ‘ I am resisting that at the moment .
20 It 's , it 's just coming in , erm not many hospitals have this at the moment but erm Britain is really quite to the fore in , in this work .
21 Yeah , well I do n't think we plan any at the moment do we ?
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